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Vote for your favorite track! Round 258

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Round 258 Voting

It's time for another round of voting for RCTgo's Build It! Competition. Four more great entries are up for voting - below are the name and screenshot of each. It's now time for you to vote for your favorite track!

Let's have a great round!

#1: Backyard Hyper

[Image: 589f2085e28a4.png]

#2: Phoenix

[Image: 58a176d63c190.png]

#3: Mine Train

[Image: 58a848aa0edb0.png]

#4: Illinois Cyclone

[Image: 58a862fc6e33b.jpg]

Voting is now open!

Voting will remain open until Saturday, February 25
Well, here we go! I really do miss giving my full thoughts

Backyard Hyper - Cool concept, though there's not much to it.

Phoenix - This is actually pretty cool. I like the layout and it has a nice setting.

Mine Train - I really like the layout, however some of the scenery is pretty unrealistic and the elements could have been shaped better.

Illinois Cyclone - This may or may not be mine...
I need a new signature.

i forgot to get rid of my name in the name of the coaster XD so used to builing on servers

oh my god

theres 2 coasters based on pheonix at knoebels XD only mine is actually named phoenix
"Pick up the pieces. There is a better way. Pull yourself together. Try to make a change. This world's so twisted. You can still make a change. Protect and care for all around. Stop the spread of hate. You feel like the broken one over and over again. You taste blood you're through you're done. Only you can make it end."-Trivium: Broken One
[Image: blaconpr4.jpg]
Welp... There goes half the anonymity at least lol
Team CoasterTech

thats okay out of the 7 times i entered (including this one, also 4 of which i won) i was only anonymous for like 2 of them, and those were ones that i lost XD

mostly because of me letting it slip by accident
"Pick up the pieces. There is a better way. Pull yourself together. Try to make a change. This world's so twisted. You can still make a change. Protect and care for all around. Stop the spread of hate. You feel like the broken one over and over again. You taste blood you're through you're done. Only you can make it end."-Trivium: Broken One
[Image: blaconpr4.jpg]
Welp. All the anonymity of the Build It! Competition is dead now. I know three of the four entries. Two of which is because you told us 😒 and the other, from the channel he uses.


Backyard Hyper: Awesome litte hyper for something you'd slap in the back of the park. However, I feel it is not made fot this competition. Thus, it won't take my vote.

Phoenix: Easily the best isometric entry of the round. This woodie is very very pretty to look at, as is the scenery around it. Great job, the 'anonymous' user.

Mine Train: Apart the lacklustre name, less than stellar building detail, and the bit of roughness after the first drop, this concept is brilliantly executed. The landscaping is stunning and quite contributed to the coaster. Although, I must say, it does feel short. This will take my vote.

Illinois Cyclone: That hyper seems to be in a world of it's own as the 2-4 entries were woodies.....anywho...I liked the idea behind it. Although, I felt there was not enough theming for the woodie's own good. Nor was there enough landscaping. However, this is still not a bad entry. My suggestion, 'unnamed user' is that the next build, shoud it require intricate terrains and foliage, take a look at Mine Train for ideas.

In the end, my vote went to Mine Train. Good luck to all who are involved!
Resuming regularly scheduled programming!
^ Sorry, I completely forgot about that
I need a new signature.
I think the original idea of having the competition being anonymous was good. But it doesn't seem to be working very well anymore. Maybe it's better at this point not to have it be anonymous. People are going to vote for who they want to. It seems like the same people are entering the competition over and over again. Styles and entries start to become familiar. I also think some follow the rules a little more than others. I don't know how you can just let something slip out or not remember. I know the competition is suppose to be fun, but what happened to the basic rules. I've kept my mouth shut for a long time however, with some of the critiques I see this post is nothing like some of the comments I've seen in the past. This is one reason why I've become less active on this site and more active on others. I think something different needs to happen to make the competition a little more interesting instead of the same old thing. I think the entries are okay, but more could have been done with each entry before entering. Sometimes it seems like people just rush to get the entry in when if taken a few more days to make it more complete.  I don't want to vote in around where it's been made clear who made what when the entries were suppose to be anonymous. I don't think it's fair to the others who entered. Which is why I will not vote in this round.
My feedback for each entry:

Backyard Hyper

That's a cool idea, but I'm not sure if it worked very well with that entry. The station and the train are too long for a short roller coaster; usually the train length inscreases with the track length. That track is not only breaking this concept, it makes no sense for me and other people. Also, that track doesn't have a lot of scenery around it, making it less attractive. I'll pass for this one.


Very nice woodie! I really like its layout and the area around it; it's definitively bonus points that you get for making a complete and detailed area with it. Shame you could not finish it, but for me, it's complete enough to interest me. Definitively one of the best entry of this round.

Mine Train

If you, builder, could come with an original name for this entry, it would be very appreciated. Anyway, about the track: I really like the idea behind it. There are some very interesting stuff in this entry, such as the axes, the cranes and what I can identify as a mine shaft cage near the station. I never saw that kind of detail before. The best I saw is detailed buildings and inventive particle effects, and now you come with something different and original. I don't know if you are one of the reputed NL builders, but if you're not, I wish you to be one of them too.  Wink

Also, I really feel that Planet Coaster is trying to get into NL, which is funny but also a good thing. Tongue Great entry in general, one of the best for this round.

Illinois Cyclone

Not much to say about it. The layout is decent, but that's all. This track needs interaction with landscape and some detailed scenery around it to make it good, not only trees. Also, the foliage is boring: there is not a lot of variation in the trees, almost the same color for each trees and a very few type of trees used. I'll pass for this one too.

I can't decide between Phoenix and Mine Train for now. I would likely go for Mine train because it's the one that surprises me the most, but I'll see that later. Good luck for all!
Trying to make an inspiring park or coaster.
excuse me aecrouch? does my area look rushed to you? that took me about 2 weeks to do, trust me when i say it was not rushed. i didnt finish it because the map that it was on got reset before i finished, so i just kept it the way it was when it was reset
"Pick up the pieces. There is a better way. Pull yourself together. Try to make a change. This world's so twisted. You can still make a change. Protect and care for all around. Stop the spread of hate. You feel like the broken one over and over again. You taste blood you're through you're done. Only you can make it end."-Trivium: Broken One
[Image: blaconpr4.jpg]

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