I have a feeling this is gonna be a closer vote than some might expect.
Information Kiosk 2 looks too intense for me.
Coaster Enthusiast
Jul 22, 2017, 05:03 PM
(This post was last modified: Jul 22, 2017, 05:04 PM by ChrisMDB.)
This round is... rather disappointing honestly...
CC Time:
Poison Ivy Pursuit - *plays Batman theme*
The Grizzly River Run - Great log flume and by far the best to ever be entered in the competition (although looking back I'm not sure that's saying a whole lot considering the fact that I think we've only ever had one or two enter). Regardless, this is a very fresh entry into the competition and one that was well done (especially for a beginner in this competition). The rockwork could use some work (not using the same rock everywhere, or meshing them together to create the appearance that they are all different), foliage could be a bit better (more variety, more ground shrubs/scrubs/bushes), but honestly other than that I think this ride is pretty great. Perhaps more work could have gone into the station, but in all honesty stations on water rides are usually very simplistic so this doesn't bother me at all.
In short, great work and I'm looking forward to seeing more work from you in the future.
The Ice Howler - If this had a POV [AND good pacing] I would be willing to give this the win right now (not that I could do that even if I wanted to). This looks like a great B&M from the screenshots, unfortunately (as I've said on numerous occasions) POV videos are essential for ALL 3D entries, we cannot properly see OR judge what you've entered if we cannot judge the pacing, on-ride experience, and scenery/theming in the POV. Furthermore, it's exceedingly easy to make a POV, the only logical excuse to not have one is if your parents won't allow you to make a YouTube (and even then there are ways to work around that issue). Bandicam and FRAPs are both free recording software that you can download to record POV's, you can also just use the in-game RCT3 recording if you don't want to download anything.
In short, it looks great, but you earn no points in my corner because I can't see the whole project.
Steam Racer - This is... interesting? It's certainly a step backwards in the Planet Coaster department anyways... There's also no POV but I'm not going to rant about that again since I just did that a few lines above so you aren't getting the whole sh'bang from me in the way of CC... Uh... The screenshots look nice I guess... There's really a lack of foliage/scenery/well... everything basically. You placed some stock rides and structures that the game gives you (correct me if I'm wrong, but they all look like blueprints Frontier gives you). Sooo... yeah... Definitely work on making your own structures, make more of them, settle on one theme (Spanish tile roofs do NOT belong next to thatch and hay roofs, that's just completely unrealistic), add a ton of more foliage (spam different trees, bushes, scrubs and shrubbery, maybe even topiary if that's your thing), ROCKWORK! This needs A LOT of rockwork along those hills, Planet Coaster has great terraforming tools, don't get me wrong, but they cannot compete with good rockwork. I'd give feedback on the layout but the only thing I can tell you based off what I can see is that no RMC has two lifthills, that's a bad design choice for the coaster type.
In short, this needs a lot of work. Don't give up, but definitely spend more time on the next project and if you need/want pointers on your next project don't be afraid to ask.
*DISCLAIMER* - ALL of this CC (Constructive Criticism) is meant to help YOU (the reader, the people that entered, and anyone else this could apply to) get better with whatever game you're working in. Look at what was entered, then read the CC, and learn from it. Build-It! isn't all about winning, it's about learning and growing as designers (that and it's just a friendly competition anyways). In no way is any of this meant to be an attack on anyone or their work.
P.S. - I say the round is disappointing because it would have been much better had all of the 3D entries come with a POV. The fact that half the entries can't properly be judged is a huge letdown.
Team CoasterTech
I could see this being fairly close of a round. A pretty good RCT2 entry, and two decent 3D entries. I'll vote for The Ice Howler. It seems to have the best charm to me out of the three. (Though, Poison Ivy Pursuit is quite nice).
Good luck to all involved!
(OOC: Will be gone for two weeks at camp. See you soon!)
Resuming regularly scheduled programming!
Vote goes to The Ice Howler
I am giving my vote to Ice Howler. A very good RCT3 entry. I am very happy to see something of this quality grace the build it again
4 Build it Wins!!! Thanks to everyone who voted for me!!!
Current Project: Learn how to use Parkitect
none of the entries had a pov 2-9 screenshots its very hard to judge which is best after a very close race with poison ivy i go with ice howler
to bad it prob would have made a difference(
The grizzly river run looks much better on POV rather than screenshot I can promise that right now