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FINISHED - Endless Mayhem - 12 Minute Ride

Endless Mayhem is obviously not endless, but at 7 minutes it sure feels like it will never end. I took a time out from my other project (Ages V2) to just have a little fun.

This run has the following stats: -

Type: Inverted Hairpin
Intensity Rating: 28.08 (Ultra Extreme)
Nausea Rating: 15.83 (Ultra Extreme)
Max Speed: 91.65 mph
Average Speed: 46.95 mph
Ride Time: 6:54
Ride |Length: 28539.36 ft
Positive Vertical G's: 27.08 g
Negative Vertical G's: -14.25 g
Lateral G's: 22.57
Total Airtime: 1:19
Drops: 47
Highest Drop: 229.16 ft

Its completely mad to ride. Pics coming soon.
Edless Mayhem? Sounds more like suicide!
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(May 10, 2010, 11:29 PM)Rct31337 Wrote: Edless Mayhem? Sounds more like suicide!

I have been doing more work on it and it's now running at 8 minutes. I started terraforming and adding content now. Its quite a cool ride and the hairpin offers interesting situations where with the right angles you can get some cool positions. I have two section of the track where the car flips upside down and travels a way down the track before it swings back under the track again.
Here are a few pics. Still a work in progress but as far as the coaster goes, I think I may be done with a ride time of 9 minutes+ you feel ill afterwards if you suffer from PC motion sickness.

Once finished, I will post the park for those of you who want to go for a wild ride. With the exception of one CS component, I have stayed away from CS stuff.

This really is a simple park with just one coaster. I did it for a laugh realy to se how long I could ride a coaster for but it has turned into quite an interesting ride.




Ok, gone about as far as I want to with this ride now. Updated details below. Keep in mind that I was really just wanting to see how long a ride I could create so it is not a particularly pretty park.

NOTE: You do not need the CS to make this pasr work. The only thing I have used from the CS is the coaster support removal. Due to the complexity of the track you may need to turn down your graphics settings to run the park without lag if you do not use the CS.

Type: Inverted Hairpin
Scenario: None
Sandbox: Yes
Cheats: Yes
CS: Yes
CS Name: Gadget Goodies
CS URL: http://www.vodhin.org/e107/download.php?view.508
Intensity Rating: 29.16 (Ultra Extreme)
Nausea Rating: 18.61 (Ultra Extreme)
Max Speed: 101.78 mph
Average Speed: 51.06 mph
Ride Time: 11.42
Ride |Length: 52607.34 ft
Positive Vertical G's: 27.00 g
Negative Vertical G's: -10.24 g
Lateral G's: 24.30
Total Airtime: 3.09
Drops: 119
Highest Drop: 255.35 ft

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