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Vote for your favorite track! Round 274 - Printable Version

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RE: Vote for your favorite track! Round 274 - ChrisMDB - Oct 14, 2017

@Medic - I've thought about that as well, unfortunately the site doesn't get enough traffic for us to be able to separate coasters basded on medium into their own competitions. If we had more users that were active and not only made eligible projects, but entered their work it may be feasible. Unfortunately, this doesn't look like a plausible reality for the foreseeable future.

RE: Vote for your favorite track! Round 274 - Ziscor - Oct 14, 2017

A tip to the guy who worked on Saguaro Launched Wooden Coaster, it'd be very much appreciated if the screenshots provided were less blurry. It kinda seems you clicked photos of your monitor, which was running the game. Maybe better screenshot methods like FRAPS or Razer's Game Booster or even Print Screen (if it works) could help? Currently, the video is the only way to accurately judge it, which I don't mind, but I found the screenshots to make an overall sloppy impression on me regarding the entry as a whole. Going by aesthetics alone, it is better than Thunder Storm or La Barista, but I'm sure you could work on your station buildings a little more, as well as scenery work in general. For a first serious attempt at a themed-coaster, this is good.

Not much else to say. Falco di Ferro is the clear winner here for me. Excellent execution, surprisingly all-NCSO, and all effort and love clearly shows. I'll take a few more hours later just to look at all details at display here. This is NCSO-park making at its finest.

RE: Vote for your favorite track! Round 274 - RealCoasterTrack - Oct 14, 2017

Falco di Ferro get my vote : it's just an amazing entry l

RE: Vote for your favorite track! Round 274 - purvisbrad - Oct 14, 2017

So this is my first official CC session since I started following and entering the build it comp. First I'd like to say thank you to the four creators of these four entries. Without them we wouldn't have the build it contest, so thanks everyone. So here's my observations and CC.

Saguaro Lauched Wooden Coaster
So the first little piece of advice I'd give on this project would be to say, go back and read as much info and comments in the past build it forum threads as possible. You'll find extremely detailed advice on entering, rules, suggestions, and of course free advice galore. Some of the veterans on this site are more than willing to answer questions and help you along your way. The biggest advice I can offer is to tell you to "market" your project. Take more than a couple of screenshots, highlight the details, make us fall in love with it. This is not a bad entry for your first time, but you can do so much better. Spend a lot of time on theming and CS. We all know how long it takes, but it's important if you want to make everyone say, "wow"! Don't take these comments everyone is leaving as negative. These are our opinions, our advice, our CC. Use this info to better yourself and your projects. Remember, free advice! As far as what theming you did do I like old western stuff and the idea of the launched woodie in that setting but spend more time with testing and tuning and of course more CS.

Thunder Storm
I would have to say really the same thing for this entry as I said above. If you have to the capability to have a pov you should... always. Or if not at least quite a few screenshots. This project has potential, I like the nuclear cooling towers idea! I kept thinking if I had built this I would've had the track go in one of the towers but without knowing that from seeing it from the queue, in other words have that be the ride's finale or highlight. You could have the track enter out of the quest's view maybe with hiding it with smoke or something like that. Also just theme-the-heck out it and place some trees or hills or something.

La Barista
I really don't dabble in rct1 or rct2 anymore I tend to lean towards the rct3 projects but that's not to say I don't have an appreciation for these projects. With the limitations of what you can and cannot do in those versions it's harder to build something with the wow factor. I love the idea of a coffee themed coaster though. That first drop looks fun! I also love the color scheme!

Falco di Ferro
So this is what i mean by the "wow" factor! Awesome! Fun to look at, expertly planted and themed, as realistic as you can get for the platform, well thought out, creatively built. The ingenuity of using other objects for scenery, love it! This project is absolutely beautiful, and it gets my vote.

Best of luck to everyone!

RE: Vote for your favorite track! Round 274 - vanellopecoastergirl - Oct 17, 2017

I ended up voting for Falco Di Ferro because it looked like tones more effort was put into it vs Saguaro.