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UK Theme Parks - Printable Version

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- rct3x - Sep 6, 2005

Cool, hope you had a good time Biggrin

- Coasterboy123 - Sep 6, 2005

my cousin went on that !

- RCTBeast - Sep 24, 2005

I heard @ BPPB they were going to make a coaster like Kingda Ka...The Bigger one!!!

- G-Force Junkie - Oct 22, 2005

Howdy, comparing the Parks in England isnt hard, seeing as there are so few of them.
Drayton is coming on nicely now and i will be keeping a close eye on what there doing over the next year or so. Chessie has turned into a family Park so i doubt if i will be going there, even though ive had some great days there in the past.Alton is still probably the best park in the country due to the number of coasters it has and the sheer size of the park....Since 2000, Thorpe has gone under dramatic changes, it used to be so boring, Loggers was the only descent ride there, now....boy have they got some rides.Though EVERYONE forgets about the pleasure beach in Blackpool, though its an amusement park and not a theme park, its home to the big one, and some great additions, and with speculation about project PK 27 which would take Kingda Kas record, it only ups the stakes.If this country was to have a coaster to rival Americas Best, It would be built there and nowhere else.

- G-Force Junkie - Oct 23, 2005

To Thorpe you must go, for those who heed the call....you wont be dissapointed.Altons great theres no denying the fact, Draytons good, but theres not really a plethora of rides to chose from.It Saddens me to see that Thorpe is overlooked so many times, i dont see Europes tallest launched coaster(205ft)at either the other places, or the worlds ONLY 10 inversions coaster....or the worlds largest giant swing......take that......i love my Thorpe Smile

To the Beast, in reference to the BIGGER ONE at Blackpool.Currently not much is known about PROJECT PK27 at this time, or if its even gonna be built, what we do know is that it would be a launched/stratocoaster that travels along a pier(WORLDS FIRST)and that it would eclipse Kingda kas 456ft record.Cant see it personally....A 300ft Giga coaster like Millenium Force would of sufficed, which is still voted as the best coaster in the world i might add.

Last edited by Tikitiki on 10-23-05

- Ryan Gordon - Oct 23, 2005

Please do not triple post! We will be leanient on double posts, but not on triple posts!


- Knighty - Oct 29, 2005

My fav UK park is Drayton manor. It had so many good rides. Apocalypse, the Stand up coaster, the lifeboat water ride.....and really short queue times. I loved it to bits. Far more than Thorpe Pakr, Chessington and Alton Towers put together.

RE: UK Theme Parks - G-Force Junkie - Nov 21, 2005

Ive never been, but i would go purely to go on Shockwave.....ive always wanted to ride a stand-up coaster.I think its time for Tussauds to invest in one......and soon

RE: UK Theme Parks - Peep - Nov 23, 2005

I really want to go to Drayton Manor, I was so close to going twice this year too!

The parks that I've been to in the UK are:
Thorpe Park
Alton Towers
Adventure Island (South End)
and a few sea-side places.

Chessington is an amazing park, yeah ok its now looked at as a family park, still, I go there and every time it gets better and better. At Alton Towers everything just seems like its rused and long-queues. Chessington has an amazing atmosphere and some great rides. These include Vampire, Dragon's Fury, Rameses Revenge, Rattlesnake and some other great rides. Don't think that I hate Alton Towers, I don't, I love it, I just prefer Chessington.

Now Thorpe Park is ok, but not amazing, yes the rides are really good and its transformed since Tussuads took it over but still, whenever you go there its full of chavs! This can really spoil your day, especially when its a really hot and sweaty day, its sort of coming to and end and your in an hour queue line with some chavs, not the greatest experience let me tell you.

Its great that they are getting the new 205ft launch coaster "project stealth" but when you see the queueline they have made for it, you sort of think twice. Its going to be much longer than the Rita queueline, I mean you thought that was bad, this is a record-breaking coaster, that queue line will be full from the beginning of the day till the end of it, its going to be frustatingly long.

RE: UK Theme Parks - G-Force Junkie - Nov 23, 2005

Simply not true m8...... i always believe, that if you pick the right days, you can get queues that are non existant....obviously, Stealth will probably have more of a queue, only cos its a new ride.The more there is for that, the less there is for others, it a counter punch.I went in Early September and clocked a personal record of 28 rides....avoid School trip holidays, bank Holidays, Saturdays & Sundays....Just use your noddle.Thorpe is the daddy of the south...:wink: