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Whats your favorite thing about the Wii U - Printable Version

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Whats your favorite thing about the Wii U - DutchBros - Jun 17, 2011

Ok first of all If you have not heard about it its a new wii coming next year.

my favorite thing about is that you can draw,switch from Tv To controller and talk to people from a camera so you can talk to any friends , family members that live somewhere else.

RE: Whats your favorite thing about the Wii U - DiarugaCoasters - Jun 17, 2011

Favorite part is the controller with a screen and that it's a wii... (ps3 is still better) lol

RE: Whats your favorite thing about the Wii U - Coasteriffic - Jun 18, 2011

^You got a PS3?

RE: Whats your favorite thing about the Wii U - DiarugaCoasters - Jun 18, 2011

^yeah: I have Black ops, MW2, Infamous, & Motorstorm

RE: Whats your favorite thing about the Wii U - DutchBros - Jun 18, 2011

you got black ops lucky ducky (lol) Friends at my school play that