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Whats your favorite thing about the Wii U

Ok first of all If you have not heard about it its a new wii coming next year.

my favorite thing about is that you can draw,switch from Tv To controller and talk to people from a camera so you can talk to any friends , family members that live somewhere else.
USA Fun And Blast Is great Company to plan and design any Park so if any parks need an buyer then USA Fun And Blast is there to help.
Favorite part is the controller with a screen and that it's a wii... (ps3 is still better) lol
^You got a PS3?
^yeah: I have Black ops, MW2, Infamous, & Motorstorm
you got black ops lucky ducky (lol) Friends at my school play that
USA Fun And Blast Is great Company to plan and design any Park so if any parks need an buyer then USA Fun And Blast is there to help.

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