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how do you make billboards in rct3 Help! - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: how do you make billboards in rct3 Help! (/thread-8163.html)

how do you make billboards in rct3 Help! - joshua roller coaster - May 24, 2013

ive been struggling to get the billbaords to work any suggestionsWink

RE: how do you make billboards in rct3 Help! - rccoa coasters - May 24, 2013

What computer are you on? Smile

RE: how do you make billboards in rct3 Help! - joshua roller coaster - May 24, 2013

ime advent windows 7

RE: how do you make billboards in rct3 Help! - rccoa coasters - May 24, 2013

RCT3 was created to be compatible with windows XP and older. so if you wanted to use billboards on your computer, you will have to use command prompt. which can very easily screw up your computer permanently. I have the same prob.

RE: how do you make billboards in rct3 Help! - FlightToAtlantis - May 24, 2013

For a solution that does not involve command prompt, go to Post #3 in this thread:


I have Vista and XP and this solution worked for me.

And I see Post #5 in this thread mentions a video:


I've put this link here in case my suggestion above doesn't work for you on Windows 7.

RE: how do you make billboards in rct3 Help! - Blu - May 24, 2013

Follow my tutorial here:
