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RCT3 CT Problems

Hi there. I have a problem with CTs (Custom Tracks.)

1. They are not finishing a complete course.
2. Sometimes an error appears. Something about an unresolved track and ttr file.

NOTE: I always get my CTs from http://www.realtycoon3.com/realtycoon3/Welcome.html.

Please respond if you can help or have information.
Coasters I have done:
Wild Cowboy, Nordic,
and Legend of the Moon Dragon
Your error message indicates the game can’t use the track file. This would be either because the files are not in the right folders or the files are corrupt. Reinstall the track files double checking that you followed the installation instructions that came with the download. If the ride didn’t come with instructions then it’s anybody’s guess where what file goes.

If the situation is still unresolved redownload the track files and install the new ones. If that doesn’t work it can be assumed the quality of the track files are in question.
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One of my CTs (Tatsu) doesn't come with a read me.Frown
Coasters I have done:
Wild Cowboy, Nordic,
and Legend of the Moon Dragon
Because different rides as created by various artists are installed in a variety of ways I’m afraid it’s my personal policy to not install flat or tracked rides that don’t come with a read me. I know what it’s like to come across a CTR or CFR and to think it’s the greatest thing and I really want it and it does come with a read me and it’s installed following that then the ride won’t work as expected.

Most of us know what to do with other sorts of CS that come without a read me but CFR’s and CTR’s without a read me are a double whammy.

Usually if one person has had difficulties installing a ride most of the other members have had the same problem. Until you hear from a member who hasn’t I’d recommend you uninstall this track and forget about it for now. Hopefully the creator has been contacted or will realize this is a problem.
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