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Park Density

I am trying to create a park just for fellow people to download.

It will be a sandbox, and i have already put quite a bit of stuff in.

The question is- should i have a very dense park filled with rides and coasters and scenery, or just keep it as it is?

I just don't think people will enjoy it, because they can't put anything very big in it.

So what do you think i should do?:s
[Image: 4.png]
Do whatever you like, this is RCTGO and you can make or post anything you think is ok. Angel
[Image: coaster9hd.png]
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What he said ^ Smile
^why not fill it with coasters? call it coaster land... hey that gives me an idea! *runs off to try and install rct3 on windows 7*
[Image: j14_si12.jpg]
Currently trying to reach SwimGuy to revive CoasterCreator...
(Jan 11, 2009, 08:53 AM)williamsoft man Wrote: ^why not fill it with coasters? call it coaster land... hey that gives me an idea! *runs off to try and install rct3 on windows 7*

[Image: coaster9hd.png]
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whadya mean O.o? what does that mean?
[Image: j14_si12.jpg]
Currently trying to reach SwimGuy to revive CoasterCreator...
(Jan 11, 2009, 05:14 PM)williamsoft man Wrote: whadya mean O.o? what does that mean?

erm... it means i dont quite understand what windows 7 is.. (if thats what your talking about)
[Image: coaster9hd.png]
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Its the new windows, beta op system..
Hmm... i dont think rct3 will work then. (can you use compatibility mode?)
[Image: coaster9hd.png]
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Im not sure, i dont have the beta, but id image it would have compatibility, weather it helps...ehhhh i dunno..

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