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Happy (belated) 4th Birthday, RCTgo!

[Image: happybirthday.png]

Happy 4th Birthday, RCTgo!

This past January 30th, RCTgo celebrated its 4th birthday! Although I missed the actual day, please join me in a belated birthday wish.

It has been just over one year since RCTgo 3.0 was launched, and already we are returning from our lapse of activity that plagued a large part of 2008. I think it is safe to say that we will come out of this far stronger than before.

Thank you all so much for becoming a part of the community - may RCTgo's 5th year be a great one! Biggrin

Wooh congrats to Rctgo Smile
Congrats belloman, Rctgo and all the members! :clap::balloon: Hopefully, we wont see another disaster like the shutdown of '08 again.
[Image: coaster9hd.png]
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(Feb 10, 2009, 08:01 PM)coasterfreak900 Wrote: Congrats belloman, Rctgo and all the members! :clap::balloon: Hopefully, we wont see another disaster like the shutdown of '08 again.

Shut down? The crudy economy?
RCTgo went offline from February to late June last year, due to domain issues.
(Feb 11, 2009, 08:51 PM)Belloman Wrote: RCTgo went offline from February to late June last year, due to domain issues.

Yes, and ironically, the same thing is happening to my friends skating website. Godaddy wont let him renew the domain! Angry
[Image: coaster9hd.png]
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Oh, I dint know all these webs. are having a shut down. My website got realy spamy. I deleted it. Lets just say the spam *sucked*. :dodgy:
woot!!!!! this site has really evolved since the very first year it was here!

i was just looking at the original site just now!
[Image: j14_si12.jpg]
Currently trying to reach SwimGuy to revive CoasterCreator...
GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO RCTgo! Long live the downloads!
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Rock 'N' Rollercoaster
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