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RCT3 Custom Content With Steam

I don't know if anyone else is having a problem installing Custom Content with RCT3 through Steam, but I sure in the heck was. I read more than once it can't be done.

I am here to prove them wrong.

It took me several long hours ( okay, half a day) numerous RCT3 restarts, 25 - 30, but this is how you do it. Or at the least, how "I" did it.

1) I didn't install the Steam RCT3 to the usual place, or did I? Anyway, I moved it to my desktop.

2) Everyone says the Cs must be extracted to the C\: Program file\RCT3\Style\Themed. For me, I had to install them to C\: Program file\Style\Themed.

You may have to search for a while, but it's there, somewhere on your drive. If you do find a STYLE folder open it and look around. If you notice other folders that have the RCT3 folders such as: Spooky, Adventure, Prehistoric, that is where you unzip the files to.

When I downloaded and unzipped them all I did was: Extract all - browse (browse to the location of "your" Themed folder) - OK - Extract - hit yes on Administrator Privileges - Start or Restart RCT3 - Enjoy the CC someone else made.

Once in game, you may have to look around for the stuff. The paths from Ghack were in Walls, Roofs and Buildings.

Now, I haven't actually tried to place the pieces into my park, I was so dang excited I got up and danced, but hey, at least they are there.

Good Luck...
Hi! This is great news, I'm thrilled that someone has figured it out. Steam is a great site but does have its issues...
Anyway, how did you move your Steam RCT3 to somewhere else? Probably a stupid question but I can't figure it out.

Thank you Smile

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