granted the pudding actually turned out to be poop
i wish there was no more atomic bombs
USA Fun And Blast Is great Company to plan and design any Park so if any parks need an buyer then USA Fun And Blast is there to help.
granted but they invented it and called tthe RAINBOW DASH bomb
i wish for a garbage truck
Who needs realism when you have creativity?
Don't kill yourself kids!
Granted the garbage truck makes you stinky
I wish that I was more smart
USA Fun And Blast Is great Company to plan and design any Park so if any parks need an buyer then USA Fun And Blast is there to help.
granted but you kept correcting people and they killed you for being too annoying
i wsih for a donut
Who needs realism when you have creativity?
Don't kill yourself kids!
Granted, but there was a hole in it.
I wish for ME!
Granted, but you.
I wish for the doughnut hole(s) from Invada.
granted but they turned out to be MINI DONUTS
i wish for robux
Who needs realism when you have creativity?
Don't kill yourself kids!
Granted you end up being poor
I wish they would start telling the truth and real thing (because GOD IS real)
USA Fun And Blast Is great Company to plan and design any Park so if any parks need an buyer then USA Fun And Blast is there to help.
Granted, but the cake is a lie.
I wish for MONEY!
granted but its monopoly money
i wish for a book
Who needs realism when you have creativity?
Don't kill yourself kids!