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Hi All from the N.E. of England, Durham to be precise.

Like messing about with RCT3, more on the build side not the game play.

Avid fan of creating my own icons in Photoshop and tweaking my system to (near) death just to see how far you can go!
Used to do a lot of blue screen stuff on various forums but that passed by as frankly I'm too old to update to Windows 8 with its primary colour icons and touchy feely screen base because;
(1) Touch my monitor and you'll lose a hand.
(2) I'm in my 50's and don't need a screen based on appealing to the foibles of a 3 year old teething toddler with its bright colours. I can read.

Liking a few of the rides in the buildit comp but sadly, no matter how much cs I throw at the game, they still crash RCT3 without a svd for sid warning etc. Just a "RCT3 has failed to respond" etc. type warning.

Three specifics I can think of. The last winner, Divertido. Basilisk and Spitfire. Also I downloaded Strom (Storm). Now that was a good download. All cs listed within the download and a link to grab what was needed if required

I actually prefer rides that download as a park file (dat) as opposed to a ride file (trk) as you can use ParkCleanUp to see what's missing easily. Ok I can read the trk files but it is hard work and even then can miss stuff! If anyone can provide a list of what I need for the above three rides I would be grateful beyond measure.

Anyway, if that sounded like a moan, its over! Good to be here!
On the CS... Go to your Style\Themed folder. Go through every folder there for your CS. Inside each folder you should see two OVL files plus another folder.

If you open the top CS folder and all you see is just a folder, that is the problem. Open that inner folder to see if it has the two OVL files plus other folder. If it does, Drag that folder with the OVL files in it out to the Themed folder. Then delete the empty folder.

The CS folder being inside of an additional folder is what causes the game to crash when you click on the CS in the game. I always unzip my CS to it's own folder outside of the game before I manually check the contents and then I drag the right folder into my Themed folder. Unzipping CS straight to the Style\Themed folder can cause problems.

Welcome to the forum. I'll be 49 next month so you are not alone. There are a few of us old timers here.
My Insanely Supported Coaster Vids
Mamba * Menace V2 * Menace V3.1 * Bruiser Falls * Wetness * The Poison
On my XP disk I have a system of directories set up into which I extract custom stuff, a separate stripped down install of RCT3 on my XP disk into which I next move over everything extracted, then after successful trial move all the extraction directories over to my Vista disk where is located my full, pimped, loaded install of RCT3. The extraction directories are named so I know at a glance what files go where.

I always check the folder hierarchy prior to trial in XP RCT3 but none of us is perfect and the occasional one will get by me.

If using an .exe file to install custom content I rely on doing that before any other installs and using a file compare utility against my RCT3 install to confirm what file got put where. I then copy and paste these .exe decompressed files into the earlier mentioned directories and, if they’re fine, manually place them in my Vista RCT3 install.

Trying custom files on a stripped down RCT3 then moving to a pimped RCT3 can be somewhat tricky at times because one needs to remember, for example, certain CTR’s won’t work without an RR track already installed in which case I make special note to observe in Vista.

Should I do this and end up with a problem, having already saved and backed up all my RCT3 files will save tons of work should my Vista install become corrupted, or if I have installed, moved or altered files and then change my mind but forget what I’ve done.

As you say EBF Park CleanUp is very handy for seeing what files are needed with what park. I’ve got so many parks now (most of them workbenches) and sometimes make so many changes to my program files that I routinely check before revisiting a park to be sure I can open it. I’m not hugely into downloaded tracks but I can’t imagine what I would do if I wanted a track that came with scenery and had no park with the track that Park CleanUp could read.
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Thanks both for your replies. Recently (very) my ram gave up the ghost so while waiting for its replacement (thank you Corsair for your lifetime warranty! Though I'm glad I didn't have to send a PSU to the Netherlands!!) and now running on the minimum of 2gb, because the ram failure had corrupted my system I did a roll back with a system image to just prior to installing RCT3. This time I was a lot more organised with adding cs. Have to admit I was a bit willy-nilly before. Hey-Ho!! Excitement of the moment.

I made parks out of just the downloaded rides to create a list of required/missing cs, plus adding in anything by DasMatze, Shy, Belgabor to name just three of a few (named strangely as my foundation pack, sounds like something you'd slap on your face). Then added them in as little batches.

Then I slowly added any ctr's I (thought) needed. Quite good opening a ride to only see supports!

Just re-read my OP and I sound like a right miserable old scrote/curmudgeon. But then, I am of that age!

A cup of Horlicks and a couple of Digestives, if I can find my teeth, usually sorts me out.

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