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What Do You Do When You're Stuck?

Recently, I was watching an old cartoon from when I was younger and I came up with an idea for a park. I always start by blueprinting. Thinking about what rides I want to add, their names and whether or not I want things like MixMaster Displays, animal exhibits and swimming pools in the park.

However, this time around I'm stuck. I can't figure out what else to add. Does this ever happen to you? If so, how do you go about clearing the mental block?
Put the park aside and forget about it for awhile. To clear a mental block it’s time to be diverted!

Open a new sandbox and experiment with vegetation placement. You can mess around with landscaping in a new flat park, then try and see where you can or can’t put enclosures or a pool. Or put an animal outside its enclosure and see if you can figure out how to use the dart gun. Or experiment with the dune buggy. Or with the LOD settings.

Or try building a coaster with a track type you’ve never considered using before. Or create a mix master display in a new sandbox. Or water jet effects. Or a dolphin or tiger show. Experiment with tunnels and with placing scenery underground.

Or maybe you can scroll through your entire list of CS and familiarize yourself with stuff you’ve forgotten. Randomly place stuff from various sets. It’s amazing how many things get forgotten and how many times this has given me an idea.

Do a few of these things and you’ll soon find yourself thinking differently about your park.
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I can always find inspiration in music.
My Insanely Supported Coaster Vids
Mamba * Menace V2 * Menace V3.1 * Bruiser Falls * Wetness * The Poison
I'll make sure to everything listed here including the inspiration in music. Speaking of experimenting with things, I'm gonna try to remember how make a braided water slide since I forgot how lol. Maybe messing with that will give me the perfect diversion I need.
You can always do coaster recreations, those always get me back into the RCT groove.
Most recent upload: Shockwave
Featured upload: Depths of Atlantis
I'm never really stuck... Because I don't plan ahead or ever seek inspiration for anything for that matter, I just randomly derp around in the game and hope for the best. Even if I have a block, I just join a Skype call or something and just build random stuff and see what I get, but I don't think this can apply to everyone, and I'm not sure wether this is a good way to play this game - it's what I enjoy most.
All we need is somebody to lean on.
(Nov 17, 2013, 08:28 PM)evilthecat6600 Wrote: ..... I'm gonna try to remember how make a braided water slide .....

Mmmm ..... I hope you'll share a screenshot when it's done.
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@FlightToAltantis: I'll make sure to post a screenshot when I'm done.

@SixFlags: I can't make recreations to save my life. The closest I've ever gotten is RC Racer from Disneyland Studios in Paris and Hong Kong Disneyland (but then that's as simple as building a halfpipe with the Reverse Free Fall coaster lol)
i take a screenshot of park and set it to background on desktop then i do other stuff and as i get ideas i jot them down till i cant stand itch to open park and do stuff lol

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