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Can hear game but only see black screen

Hi, I have a new computer running windows 8(yuk!) and i am having issues with rct3 platinum. I can install and start but all i can see is a black screen. I can hear the game just cant see anything. I have tried running in different compatibility modes and tried to change the screen res. but nothing works. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. thanks!
When do you get the black screen? Does the black screen start the moment you start the launch of the game or does it start when the park you choose opens?

And when this happens what do you do to close the game?

It would help if you’d give details on your graphics card. Please get this data through Windows System Information and provide it in full. There is not much point in giving someone only part of the details and expecting a full solution to your problem.
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Look, I have never had to do this before so I didn't leave things out intentionally. I get the black screen from the moment I start the game. I can only close the game when I go back to the desktop and close it from there. When I put the pointer over the icon on the bottom of the screen while i am on the desktop the box shows up as if it is running fine and i can see it this way. When I click it to play all I see is a black screen even though I can hear that it is running. Specs are as follows : Windows 8, AMD A10-5700 APU with Radeon™ HD graphics 3.40 GHz., 8.00 GB (7.40 usable), 64 bit operating system, x64-based processor.
Have you ever before played RCT3 successfully on this computer?

Do you have this problem with any other games on that computer where you are having this black screen problem with RCT3?

When you go to the desktop to close RCT3 because it’s in black screen how do you get to the desktop and what do you do to close the game? Are there any messages showing at that time?

Did you change any of the system settings prior to this problem with black screen?

Did you install a new graphics card or update the graphics card drivers prior to this problem.

Have you tried playing RCT3 with the resolution settings set at a lower value, or tried setting the resolution settings for your screen to something that’s listed in RCT3 options?

Do you have the latest version of DirectX installed?

Have you changed any of the settings so your graphics card is overclocked?

Your graphics card, installed with factory or driver/default settings is more than adequate for RCT3.

When members request help on a forum community it is important that what we write has to substitute for what someone else’s eyes need to see in their mind’s eye so they can effectively help the person wanting assistance.

I can’t believe you’ve never asked for help before and that you’ve never understood that someone who wants to help needs the correct information in order to assist you with the help you need?

Nobody can be helped by keeping, whether intentionally or unintentionally, all or part of their problem a secret or by pretending they know everything already. Get over yourself and lighten up.
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Now go back and read your last comment to me. In what world is that not rude? A simple ' I need more information ' would have sufficed. I am not the one that needs to get over myself. I will go else where for help.
Yeah, right, sure. You say you’re going elsewhere for help when you’ve already gotten it here? If you had written that before you got the help you would have more credibility. And in what world is that mature?

On top of that you’ve missed the point. No thread or post is written for only one individual. There are many people who will access various parts of these boards at one time or another and, in addition to the thousands of other threads on this website, the information written in this thread will help a few of them in the way you want us to believe that it won’t be helping you.

Every day dozens of people read various threads on this site and decide to go elsewhere for help without feeling any need to tell us they're going elsewhere for help.

Now go back and read where you wrote how you think I’m being rude because I didn’t write my post in the wording you would have liked. We’re both adults and we both think differently. It’s called diversity. I think you need more social exposure and more life experience.

However, if you really need people to be like you want them to be then I’m easy. What you need to do is to write up a list of exactly what I need to say in the way you want to hear it making sure you specify the times I need to be that way. After we’ve gotten your script sorted, the next time I respond to a post I will be fully rehearsed and my response can be all about you.
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