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Pictures in RCT3

Can anybody tell me how to get pictures into RCT3? Thanks!!!!!!!
"It's called the ninety-nine mile beach because it is exactly fifty miles long... I don't get it either." Jeremy Clarkson.
You have to place the photos in to "My Pictures"
Most recent upload: Shockwave
Featured upload: Depths of Atlantis
I'd like to say though, that if you don't own an English computer, you have to create a folder in your documents called 'My Pictures'.
All we need is somebody to lean on.
I own an English computer, a Windows 8. But I want to get pictures INTO my game.
"It's called the ninety-nine mile beach because it is exactly fifty miles long... I don't get it either." Jeremy Clarkson.
Do you mean like how to put photos on to the billboards? Here is how that is done,
Most recent upload: Shockwave
Featured upload: Depths of Atlantis

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