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Hi from France

Hi everyoneSmile
I'm MBcoaster, maybe you know me on other forums or on Youtube Tongue
I'm a big RCT3fan and a big Coasterfan, i play with RCT3 since its released and i like to make original thematised roller coaster's.
My favourite ride is Millennium Force
My favourite Theme park are Disneyland Resort Paris (great thematisation) and Cedar Point (coaster heaven)
I'm happy to be here, that's all for me...
Hello and welcome to our Forum Smile

Disney Land? Well you are from France so that's not really a suprise Tongue
Cedar Point = Coaster Heaven huh?, good Choice Smile
Millenium Force?, it's okay Tongue

Have a nice time here, hope i see some creations from you Biggrin

Lg Cheleste
My Feedback can hurt like a
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4698]
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Thanks guy's ;-)

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