(Oct 28, 2015, 12:34 AM)aecrouch7413 Wrote: @naveisawesome not everyone likes country music, I don't like the extreme "twang" and that's okay. It's great we all like something different. Which is why I mentioned the other music to. But thanks for the "respect" about it, it's appreciated. What is your favorite rock band? For me if I had to choose in the "Rock Band" category it would be: Eagles, The Beatles, Some of Jimi Hendrix, The Doors and U2.
That is a bit more of the southern style of rock
For me, when it comes to music, I much prefer the instrumental side of things, and I also like newer rock more, so my favourite band ever is called Muse
Basically they're not only a rock band, but have experimented with all types of styles and genres, including techno, indie, classical (they wrote an entire symphony), and even have a dubstep song
They're also amazing live, going overboard with screens, and other features,, supposedly theyre releasing remote controlled drones into the audience on their upcoming tour (which Im going to in toronto)
Along with their 7 albums of work, when songs are played live, a lot of them are usually followed by some insane outros, either of riffs they've created, or other riffs from other bands such as ACDC, rage against the machine, nirvana, and many others
I know youre not a big fan of rock, but watch this and see what I mean when they go overboard live