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Round 33 Voting

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Round 33 Voting

It's time for another round of voting for the Featured Coaster Competition! Another three entries are up for voting - below are their name, screenshot, and the description provided by the creator. It's time for you to select your favorite roller coaster, and vote for it! Remember, if you're a contestant, you are not allowed to vote.

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#1: Aladdin

[Image: ov64b01kie_Shot0390.jpg.png]

This is a standup coaster named Aladdin I made it for you guys to decide if you like it or not.Hope you enjoy,It is called Aladdin because it is in the theme of Arabian and the coaster is a flying carpet.Well now it's up to you to decide yes or no.Hope you like it : )


Hope you like it Smile

PS:here I have the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jymxS4_Fl7o

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#2: Sheer Cold

[Image: gbkkmitdze_Shot0000.jpg.png]

Excitement Rating: 6.98 (high)
Intensity Rating: 6.09 (high)
Nausea Rating: 3.94 (medium)
Max. Speed: 68.65
Ave. Speed: 29.06
Ride Time: 1:33
Ride Length: 3988.98
Max. Positive Vertical G's: 5.45g
Max. Negitive Vertical G's: -1.36g
Max. Lateral G's: 4.43
Air: 0:23
Drops: 20
Highest Drop Height: 162.85 ft.
Inversions: 0

[Image: separator.png]

#3: Mirage

[Image: 9tmsb58w25_Mirage.JPG.png]

Looks can be decieving...

Excitement: 8.43
Intensity: 7.92
Nausea: 3.70

[Image: separator.png]

Voting is now open!
Voting is only open until next Sunday, January 24, so vote quickly - before it's too late!
lol Finally! I still can't believe there weren't enough entries.
Come join the ever-growing RCTgo community!
wonder who is #1
This is a tough round to vote for...
[Image: image11kkz.jpg]

wonder who is #1
finaly though i just started
Smile I voted.

{Look at spellings! URRGH! I've got near OCD, and I don't like misspellings. LOL!}
Coasters: Quake-Repercussion (Available for download! Click HERE for download)
Coasters being made: Impulse, Flying Scorch
[Image: BANNER.jpg]
wonder who is #1
Seriously Rct3Mania. Stop spamming!

I hve a fiend that has OCD. Sorry aboutspelling. I'm hving prolems with mykeboard.
Come join the ever-growing RCTgo community!
What is ocd Please tell me Smile
oh and sorry

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