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what do you want to see in RCT4 PC?

(Aug 17, 2014, 11:36 AM)SUPER MOOSE93 Wrote: if the graphics are the same as in the trailer, i will be a happy chappy. they look so good
One word: Cinematic

This is what the Trailer is on RCT-World. That is never the final ingame graphic from RCT4.
And if so, than only with an absolutly high-end-pc and some professionell video work after recording ingame.

And Trailers are only for advertising and presentation, to give the fans some guts. nothing more.
A lot of other games made amazing Trailers for there games, but in the end the final Game hasn't anything from the Trailer graphic. That sucks.
And well, Atari isn't smart so i think they did the same with there RCT-World Trailer.
But thats only my opinion.
I'm skeptical to RCT4, but if other people hoping for an good game -> let them hope!

Lg Cheleste
My Feedback can hurt like a
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4698]
i know the trailer isnt going to be the final result for the graphics but i can dream
the teaser SimCity trailer is nothing what SimCity(2013) turned out to be. More themes would be nice for everything like a sci-fi hot dogs, themed restrooms like someone else said. and do not double up on the same or similar rides like control cars(carousel with dinos) and control axis of rotation(insanity) and a maze builder like RCT2 had. Did I say I wanted to repurpose hotels in the PC version?
http://tobiaslindsay.wix.com/-lemurs-eighteen :my website
just had another thought. it would be great if we could have multiple windows open in game, switching between supports and track connectors constantly is so annoying.
(Aug 17, 2014, 04:25 PM)SUPER MOOSE93 Wrote: just had another thought. it would be great if we could have multiple windows open in game, switching between supports and track connectors constantly is so annoying.

Ehm, why are you switching?
Did you not seen Silvarrets tutorial on youtube? Biggrin

First step -> add Support-Killers
Second Step -> add connectors
(start with curves and inversions, so you become a messable distance between the rest)
with the messable distance you can find out how much connectors you need for it and can add it
as Silvarret suggest in his video 3 - 3,5 squares work pretty well.

Third Step -> add connector bottoms (boring job, but it must be done)
Fourth step -> adding vertical supports to all connectors as an better overview were the supports are going. sp you can see which type of sloped/angled ones you should choose to avoid support/track and/or train/support collissions.

Final step -> adjust every single support with sloped/angled ones and delete the vertical supports on spots were they are displaced!
Dont forget that there are CPciscos Steel Chaos addon with the rest of sloped/angled versions.

So why you need two windows for this? xD

But if you want multiple windows ingame, try out TPS, there you can have so much windows be opened that you cant see the screen itself Tongue

Lg Cheleste
My Feedback can hurt like a
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4698]
One of the things I forgot to mention, don't know if it was this thread or not, but I would like custom colors. Some of us are getting tired of only having 32 colors (sounds like a lot but half of them are butt-ugly).
[Image: AMUDExV.png]
custom colours would be amazing.

@Cheleste that is what i usually do but i wanted a change XD
Well on one hand custom colors are absolutly a great feature, on the other hand 32 colors are really much.
Maybe some colors aren't someones favorite ones, but the track has 3 color parts and the trains, too.
Am i right?
Now lets do some math, for every single part we can choose one of the 32 colors we have.
This makes 32 x 3 = 96 different options only for the track, the same counts for the trains.
Again 96 different options.

And btw, normally we have only 3 basic colors, red/green/blue.
Every other color is made from these three. Am i right?
Custom colors are nothing more than a little differents in gamma/saturation/brightness.

The tricky part in games is, to find out which colors fits good together and which not.
And some colors can represent different things, example: the 3 brown colors -> on a woodie they can represent the age of an Woodie -> lightbrown = new, middle brown = 1-5 years old, brown/greyish = older than 10years

But if we use the brown colors for Moby's SteelJungle for supports, than it represents steel pipes colored in brown and not wood.
Another example is this mix of pink/red, like a human skintone.
First look says, this color is bad -> in RCT2 players use this color to represent "marble" for buildings
here a pic from NE-Design, made by "robbie92"

As you can see, its all about, how to use it in which content.

Don't get me wrong, custom colors are an good thing, and newer games should have it.
But i think its possible to work with only 32 colors in RCT. Wink

okay Smile

Lg Cheleste
My Feedback can hurt like a
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4698]
First of all I want RCT4 to be like RCT3.......with NO MICRO-TRANSACTIONS!
1. Undo button
2. More special ride parts for tracked rides. (left side, right side, both sides, alternate, etc...)
3. Better looking peeps
4. Be able to select a peep and control where you want him/her to go.
5. copy & paste option
More to Come! Smile
(Aug 21, 2014, 12:52 AM)pwc1 Wrote: First of all I want RCT4 to be like RCT3.......with NO MICRO-TRANSACTIONS!
1. Undo button
2. More special ride parts for tracked rides. (left side, right side, both sides, alternate, etc...)
3. Better looking peeps
4. Be able to select a peep and control where you want him/her to go.
5. copy & paste option
More to Come! Smile

Atari has already stated that RCT World will be "micro-transaction" free from the very first day that its released.

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