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Sky Chariot - a B&M Floorless (COMPLETE)

Hello i am back again with a new Floorless Coaster

[Image: BlueBM2.jpg]

[Image: BlueBM3.jpg]

[Image: BlueBM6.jpg]

[Image: BlueBM5.jpg]

[Image: BlueBM4.jpg]

[Image: BlueBM8.jpg]

[Image: BlueBM7.jpg]

[Image: BlueBM9.jpg]
[Image: cooltext119149321119276.png]
POV Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxx9nwiT4ww
[Image: cooltext119149321119276.png]
Looks great colts!
All we need is somebody to lean on.
NICE (notice all caps that means it's really nice).
I like the jojo roll and the first drop.
You're back and than you presenting us such this? Great job, Colts! Tongue

Everything on this is just beautiful, the layout is unique but realistic with your own touch.
A B&M Floorless without Interlocking corks is something new and i like it.

Theming is beautiful as well and the support work, too.
PoV was nice with great music choice (Nightwish)

No critique about this Coaster Smile

Great job, colts and nice to see you back here!

Lg Cheleste

PS: maybe the colors could be more tropical style Tongue
(only my opinion, not a critque)
My Feedback can hurt like a
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4698]

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