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Hello! New member here!

Greetings! My name is jacobj1262! I'm RCTgos newest Member! I'm also new to Roller Coaster Tycoon myself. I got the game about 2 weeks ago, (oh, it was Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 by the way.) I am a bit suckish at building roller coasters and building cutting edge amusement parks, but, at least the peeps are happy Biggrin. anyways, I joined RCTgo to know more about the wonderfull community The Roller Coaster Tycoon community is! and to make new friends in the forums. Hope I can post again soon! for now, i'm getting sleepy, so im gonna hop in bed and I will post tomorrow. witch reminds me, tomorrow were going to the county fair! me and my family may fide some rides that might have been in the game! (but, the only roller coasters they have there are kiddie ones XD ) anyways good night rct3 community! and if its not night time were you live, then, have a good day! ..... or something XD!
Welcome to RCTgo! I look forward to seeing some of your creations.
Most recent upload: Shockwave
Featured upload: Depths of Atlantis
Thank you. I should post up some creations soon! If I can figure out how to post them on the web site :/ so, I may need help with that :/

oh and btw, I looked at your profile, and you have some awesome creations! good job! I am adding you to my friends list! See ya around!
(Jul 25, 2014, 11:03 PM)jacobj1262 Wrote: Greetings! My name is jacobj1262! I'm RCTgos newest Member! I'm also new to Roller Coaster Tycoon myself. I got the game about 2 weeks ago, (oh, it was Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 by the way.) I am a bit suckish at building roller coasters and building cutting edge amusement parks, but, at least the peeps are happy Biggrin. anyways, I joined RCTgo to know more about the wonderfull community The Roller Coaster Tycoon community is! and to make new friends in the forums. Hope I can post again soon! for now, i'm getting sleepy, so im gonna hop in bed and I will post tomorrow. witch reminds me, tomorrow were going to the county fair! me and my family may fide some rides that might have been in the game! (but, the only roller coasters they have there are kiddie ones XD ) anyways good night rct3 community! and if its not night time were you live, then, have a good day! ..... or something XD!

Welcome. People on this site are friendly and very helpful. Looking forward to seeing your work. Have fun with the game.SmileBiggrin
always great to see new faces here on RCTgo Welcome!
[Image: cooltext119149321119276.png]
🎢 welcome to the community
[Image: logo_214894_web_zps05a2499c.jpg]
Welcome to RCTgo!
[Image: AMUDExV.png]
thanks everyone for welcomeing me! Biggrin

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