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[WIP] B&M 4D coaster - needs testers

while i was without my laptop, i had an idea for a 4d coaster with a slight twist.

so far i only have the track done as i am still in the process of installing all the custom scenery i had before my laptop died. i think the layout is pretty much set, i might move the station so i have room to build around it (i never leave myself room to do a good station for some reason).

soon as the train leaves the station it drops slightly and enters a half twist, this sets it up for the launch section. i dont think doing 60mph backwards would be comfortable so i faced the riders forwards.

[Image: PqU7xcQ.png]

after the launch, the train is sent upwards on a half loop, the riders will be in an upright position with the track to their backs. they then tilt forwards as the train plummets to the ground again (riders are in a free fall/skydive position) at the top of the large camel hump, the riders are flipped onto their back and sent into a zero G roll

[Image: FcHQg2t.png]

through the zero G roll riders are rotated to be kept in a normal sitting position (lime to the ground), then flipped over backwards as they exit.

[Image: oJUWem3.png]

after exiting the zero G roll, the train enters a large overbank then curves on a 90 degree track before heading into the MCBR. riders are spun throughout the overbank and curve.

[Image: czpyjTv.png]

continuing on from the MCBR the train heads into 2 corkscrews. the riders are rotated throughout the corkscrews giving a disorientating feeling

[Image: jpEsnYA.png]

to end the ride, the train goes through 3 complete twists. the riders are rotated 80 degrees in each twist, bringing the position back to the initial seating position. this spinning mixed with the twists gets very confusing.

[Image: mzIyQVu.png]

[Image: GxwROzr.png]

the rotation of the cars is a little rough in some areas right now so i will work on that. any feedback about the track layout is welcome as i have never done a 4D coaster. i would have liked this to be an S&S(?) track but the the lack of track pieces was boring.

thats it for now, i wont be doing any scenery until i have installed all my old CS sets again and uploaded all my old work.
Well, sry SuperMoose93 but B&M dont have 4D-Coasters in there sortiment Wink.
Only Arrow Dynamics and Intamin have 4D-Coastertypes and Intamins 4D-coasters are Zac-Spins.

I know it is a good choice to use the extended track (B&M track) to have more variety of parts but in the fact that only one 4D-Coaster exists (X² @ SFMM) it could be better to use this as an template to build an more realistic 4D-Coaster.

Corkscrews are to intense on an 4D-Coaster in fact of the Seat-Rotation.
And a LIM/LSM start has the same problem with the forces.

I would suggest to use the X² Elements and mix it up with your own style. So you have only the Inside/Ouside Raventurn Elements and the Inline-Twists for Fly2Lie/Lie2Fly as Inversions and you can combiend these with your layout.

The most challenging part is the seat-rotation on every single part of the track. Without doing this it look completly bad in the end. I no this from RCT-2 and there it was horrible to select the right seat-rotation correctly in fact of the screen-resolution/zooms. In RCT3 it should be a little bit easier to do this but it needs still alot of work.

I'm looking forward to this, i know you have the talent/skill, so lets build this Wink

Lg Cheleste
My Feedback can hurt like a
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4698]
screw realism, guess i am making the first B&M 4D coaster XD. i did try to make a POV just to show the car positions but my laptop cant handle RCT3 and fraps at the same time. the corkscrews are very slow compared to the first part, the average speed after the MCBR is probably 20mph BUT i will play around with that part of the track and see if i can get something else going
i made a few changes to the track and started a little bit of the scenery. problem is, i dont want to go too far with the scenery until i know the track is ready to go.... and i need a theme.

since i cant get a POV of the ride, i have put the track up as a download. i would appreciate it if some people downloaded it and gave some proper feedback.

track download - http://rctgo.com/downloads/view/11727

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