Your not the only one who waits for this set from "CoasterJoe"
It's still an WIP and its not safe that he will ever release or better finished it.
Maybe we become an unfinished beta version someday, like the other one.
But i think most of us could deal with an beta version, than nothing
In the meantime its better to deal with it and work with CPciscos SteelJungle Addon and Mobys'SteelJungle for Inverters. It's possible to become good looking custom supports, without glitches.
But it needs some time and experience to become a no "glitchy" looking Inverter Supports.
If you cant wait, you can wrote an PM to "CoasterJoe", he has accounts on some other RCT-Sites.
But i dont know, how active he is these days.
Lg Cheleste