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Welcome to me

Hello, my name is Rob.

* Waits for "Hi Rob!" *

I used to play this game non stop all the time back in the day. I kind of just rediscovered it and have been showing it to my son.

I forgot how much I loved this game!
Hi Rob!

we are all here because we love the game and are a bunch of lonely coaster nerds. Welcome to the gang!
All we need is somebody to lean on.
"Hi Rob" Tongue
and welcome to RCTgo

Soo long, Cobra Cool
Keep it everytime fair and with enough respect for each other!
Hi Rob Smile

What? We are "all" lonely coaster nerds? I think i should visit you in the netherlands, huh? Tongue
Than i'll catch you and we drive to "Efteling" & "SixFlags Holland" and after some (many, many) rounds on every single coaster, maybe your brain is clean and washed! Tongue

Lg Cheleste
My Feedback can hurt like a
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