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Hello everyone !

Hello rctgo members !

My name is Philippe, I'm a student from France and I'm 22. I discovered this forum thanks to Silvarret when I googled his creations as I was looking for inspiration. I have been playing RCT3 since day one even though I rarely ever finish anything due to lazyness/perfectionnism/computer lag.

The reason why I come here is that I want to share my work as well as discovering and commentating on
other people's creations. I would like to improve (and finally complete something, ha!) and, if possible, help others with my experience with the game.

About real-life coasters, I have a soft spot for Intamin Megacoasters, especially Goliath @ Walibi Holland for its amazing Stengel Dive and numerous airtime moments. I also really like unusual coasters that make clever use of terrain such as Kennywood's Phantom's Revenge and Eagle's Fortress.

Otherwise, I enjoy 90's music (Blur, The Verve, Texas anyone ?), architecture and traveling.

Last but not least, here's a shot of my development hell project, Pionpi. Hope you'll enjoy and see you soon !

[Image: pionpi13.jpg]

Hello and welcome on RCTgo, Philippe Smile

Lg Cheleste
My Feedback can hurt like a
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4698]
Greetings, welcome to our home Smile
Thanks for the welcome Smile
Hi, love your stuff, welcome to RCTgo Portemine!
All we need is somebody to lean on.

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