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wish list for the new RCT

Just wondering if U had the choice ,what things would u like done with the new RCT when it comes out next year.2 things i hope would be,less loading times.Gets frustrating when it takes me 15 minutes to load my game up,even more frustrating when it crashes and wait all over again.Another thing Id like to see is the ability when u add a scenery item,coaster or what ever to be able to pick it back up and move it.Many times ive placed an item and then decide i want t move it and i have to delete the item and then place it again.Would be more simple to click on it and have a move option,any other ideas out there???
Actual Hotels, Kai Rubix built one in his lets play but it isn't the best and more themes than they have annouced
http://tobiaslindsay.wix.com/-lemurs-eighteen :my website
looking at reviews not sure how the multiplayer thing will work out since people have different tastes and having 4 people trying to build a park seems like it could end up being a pain or if someone decides they dont want to finish their part could up up a few mad heads
I wish for types of coaster to build with. Come on Atari! THIS IS 2014
I need a new signature.
more options for slopes and banking
When making a cso structure - a group all option.

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