(Feb 16, 2015, 06:17 PM)RCT3rocks432 Wrote: Hello I am rct3rocks432 I have soaked expansion pack
Welcome to RCTgo! This is a very lively community with the BuildIt competition, downloads center and more, and I hope you get more involved in it.
You might see the words CS everywhere. This means Custom Scenery. Just in case you have not heard of it before, Custom Scenery are user-made add ons that add scenery items like custom coaster supports and dark ride items to the game. Most CS downloads have a read me in them to show the process of installing them, but should you ever have any problem, feel free to start a thread or even PM someone. (You can PM me if you need my help.

just offering)
Have a fun time!
Scenarios Thread | Downloads Page | Videos Page
WIP: Rotten Candy Scenario (Mid 2015), NoLimits Intamin coaster, NoLimits Mack launched coaster
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