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RCTW\ Let them hear your voice! Sing the petition!

After Atari/Area52Games released their in-game footage of RCTW, almost the whole fanbase from the rct series took back their expectations for the game and replaced it with an image of a max 2005 game, made for 5 years old with less realism than Goat Simulator.


Please sing the petition linked below, please note that i did not create this petition.


thank you! Together we can make the difference. Share if you care!
I'll be perfectly honest here, I've been giving it some thought and I really think I'm going to buy RCTW on release, poor graphics or not.
The Co-Op feature and vertex editing far outweigh the graphics, even if they went back to RCT2 graphics.
I don't think I even want a photo realistic RCT, I like the cartoony style with poor graphics, but even in RCT3 I can make my coasters look good, so why not in RCTW?
yea, but still the realism in this trailer is just so poor, look at those chains, the track itself and the supports..., they remind me of Screamride, wich was anything but a realistic simulator... I would porbably also buy it even tough the game looks aweful, just for the features, but if we let them know that we find the game so disgusting, mayby they will update the graphics and realism so that the game will have everything, in stead of having everything except up to date graphics and visuals.
The easiest way to voice an opinion is by not buying the game. What you are telling the makers is that you don't want to spend your hard earned cash.

Just don't buy it. No need to create a petition that the won't read.
User Thread: https://forums.rctgo.com/thread-23653-po...#pid133975
signing a petition to get the game changed then saying you will buy the game anyway is backwards thinking. why would a dev change stuff if they knew you were going to buy it anyway?
Atari has come a long way from Pong, and if you look at a game like Test Drive Unlimited, which was released in 2006, they are easily capable of hiring developers that specialize in realistic graphics. Area 52 Games was a questionable choice, but even their now-cancelled game, Star Wars Attack Squadrons, had noticeably more detail.

If the new installment has poor graphics compared to its predecessor, it could mean that they've chosen to sacrifice graphics for gameplay. Not much is known about what playing RCT World will be like, other than a long-awaited, more advanced coaster editor, which will allow for more individuality when designing tracks. If you would rather have better graphics with the same RCT3 editor than a better coaster editor with diminished graphics, you're saying that you would rather play the game for the graphics and not for the actual experience, and there's no reason from that point to even buy a new game.

You could have improved gameplay and improved graphics, but you would potentially be sacrificing game speed in the process. Some people have trouble with lag in RCT3. Now take RCT3, make a much more versatile coaster editor, add in thousands of realistic-looking people all moving at once, each doing their own separate thing, and make the graphics look like NoLimits 2. Add in three other people constantly updating their perfectly-detailed parks around yours, with constant updates every second of every change every other player makes, and soon you'll see an eruption of complaints about how nobody can run the game on a normal computer without excessive lag.

My knowledge of RCT World is no greater than that of anyone who has seen the trailers and a few preview analyses, and other than the older-looking graphics, there isn't a whole lot we know about this game yet. I cannot pass judgment on it, for I have never played it. Since you have not played it either, I suggest you do so before you label it as a bad game. It is a gamer's sole responsibility to play a game at least once before they form their opinion on it.

If it does turn out more like the mobile RCT4, and more gameplay has been sacrificed than has been improved, then you can officially say RCT World is a failure and a disgrace to the series.
[Image: Vk1WYNV.png]
Terry does have a really good point
Gameplay is a lot better than graphics
Ever noticed in 1 and 2 how it doenst lag? yeah that means we can make better creations, part of the reason I love 2 so much (RCT)
RCT3 does have problems with lag, which Im sure can fixed
Besides we all know in a matter of time custom scenery will explode into existence once the game is out, and the original graphics won't matter, except for the land and the peeps
So really at this point the only thing I'm upset with in the game is the ability to just place restaurants, not being able to build them, that really takes out an element in the game
I still can't wait for it to come out!
[Image: ZCL35lY.jpg]

For me personally, it's always been game play over graphics. That's why I prefer RCT 2 over 3. In my humble opinion the game play isn't as good in 3 as it is in 2.
If they actually improve game play in RCTW over RCT3 it might be interesting for me.

[Image: H&B.png]
I will probably buy it anyway.
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isn't the game still planned to be multiplayer? I don't they are experienced with that kind of game and also its been a long time and I doubt anybody that worked on RCT3 still works there.
http://tobiaslindsay.wix.com/-lemurs-eighteen :my website

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