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[WIP] "Lygo" - Terrain B&M Sitdown (RCT2/NCSO)

I didn't realize you could do that much with RCT2. I like seeing the different angles. The path work is beautiful.
This is what you call "small stuff"?

Most people create only a coaster and a station, this can be called small.
But this is more a medium sized project. And again, a terrain-layout.
Seems, you like these kind of coasters, huh?

Interesting first drop, unusual, but it works. Rest of the layout has a good "flow".
Three inversions sounds not much at first, but for this short rack its enough and with all these tunnels it should be interesting for the peeps.

I agree with the other comments here.
Backstory and explanations are allways nice to have. Not allways needed, but if you have one, than you show us that you ahve a complete idea/plan behind your design/theme. That's good.
The terrainwork looks really good, but needs maybe a litte bit of work here and there to look more natural.

First time, i see a hacked design on this site. 4D-Coaster for Catwalk looks good.
A shame that the colors for the stairs on it can't be changed. The white doesn't fit, but it is what it is. An alternative could be a Woodencoaster track.
The use of the bobsled for a safety-net is nice. Should the "lightbrown" represent something like jute?
If so, than it fits, if not than you should go with white for the net. Than it doesn't fit but not everything can fit into the theming.

I like the restaurant, the outside area looks nice. Colors fits. If you make it to colorful, than it won't fit the theming where you go for. Skylights are great.
Gumdrops as rocks, good. But they could use a bit more foliage for a more natural look.
As you wrote, currently it looks like a field of stones. You could cover up some of the tunnel sections with some stones too, to become a cave look.

So far so good i would say. Looking foward to see the rest of buildings, especially the station and giftshop.

Lg Cheleste
My Feedback can hurt like a
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4698]
(Apr 3, 2015, 07:27 PM)aecrouch7413 Wrote: I didn't realize you could do that much with RCT2. I like seeing the different angles. The path work is beautiful.
blush thanks for this kind of words

Ouch! Incoming heavy feedback from the lovely Cheleste. Rolleyes
Seems i had some luck, there aren't many negative things in it.
Or is Cheleste getting older and oversee some things here and there Tongue

Well, maybe it's a bit more than small, but as i start work on i thought it'll be only a small one.

I tried out a woodie at first for the lifthill/catwalk, but than i had glitches when the train is operating.
The woodie-track pops up if the catwalk is painted brown. I don't wanted that. That's why is witched to the 4D-Coaster. After adding some fences besides the catwalk, the white color isn't to much popping out.
Problem solved Smile

Stones (gumdrops) for cover up the burrows are done!
So your hint comes a bit to late, i've done this by myself earlier. Tongue Problem solved.
The rockfield is reworked and have more shrubbery.

I thought about of the un-natural looking hill and my plan was that the hill was tere before the coaster was build. Normally i should build the terrain first, and than the coaster, but the layout that i uses for "Lygo" is more/less 1 year old. And i liked it. So the completly terrainwork comes after placing the coaster. A general problem in RCT2 when it comes to a naural prebuild landscape.

But i'll extend the hills around the path and maybe this changes the un-natural look into a more natural one. I hope. Smile

Thanks again for the feedback about my "small" comeback project.

I had some problems with the station/transfer-track. I'm sorry for no update-2b today.
But i currently work on a solution about it, so don't worry.

So long, Cobra
Keep it everytime fair and with enough respect for each other!
I think it's amazing you can do all of this in RCT2. I've tried a few times and just get frustrated because it's an old program. I'm glad Cheleste was able to give you some feedback that might help. I have RCT2 but I'm so use to playing RCT3 it's hard for me to go back to the older version Smile
I've seen a variety of things done with RCT2 in the the last few months on this site. It's interesting to see the different styles and kind of fun to. You, TerryInferno are great at this program and others. A collaboration between you and TerryInferno would be awsome for a build it competition with an RCT2 entry. hint, hint, hint...Smile

Part-b from Update-2 incoming.

First, this time i have an Overview for you:
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4660]

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4661]
The rockwork & station are the importent things here. I reworked the rocks here and there, expand it in some way and as you can see, the hill-tunnel for the Queue and also the burrow before the loop is coverd with rocks and shrubery.

The Station has become a major change infact of the switch that now the trains leave the station straight, so the s-bend is gone. Reason for this was the problem that tha ride-entrance is high and would glitch really ugly through the roof. I couldn't change the roof, because the hill and everything around was build for the look of the station.
This "cool" double station flyer look is gone, but sometimes compromises are the only option.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4662]
other angle
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4663]
As for the Restaurant and the Souvenirshop, the Station also becomes a Skylight. Roof itself has this used and rusty look. Also the sides of the roof have these used/old looking wood.
Queue and Exitpath both using the old big dining rooms of the restaurant. For the Exitpath a big glass door was added.
Rockwork was extended on this side of the hill as well, but much smaller and more natural than on the other side.
The Queue below the Corkscrew has become a security cage that is made of steel, but looks like wood (only for theme)

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4664]
Here a better look of the souvenirshop and the backside of the station. The souvenirshop has a different build roof to add more variety into the buildings, but fits to the theme at the same time.
because of the shop is new, the roof looks new Smile
As i said before, a skylight is also there, additonal the smaller windows give more light into the shop and right the direction where the shops are located.
The pathway was also changed, because for a hilly landscape there was more ups and down needed.
So i create another smaller hill beside of it, so that we'll become more natural hills into it.
Foliage should look natural as possible, so thats why it looks maybe a bit chaotic.
Random placed shrubs, flowers, stones and some midsized shrubs and tress here and there.

The pathway has become more lilac flowers, but for the natural areas i add more orange wildflowers.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4665]
I said i will show you a comparsion of the station as a restaurant in the earlier days.
So here you'll see the "Lizardy's" back in the days, where no coaster or anything else was there.
You'll notice that the whole pathway is different, and only one square wide. Because that wasn't needed in the past. The landscape itself was also a bit different that currently.
But you can see the prework and markings there, for the future pathway and also for the shops/restrooms (checkerboard).

Update-2 is finished with this part-b of it.
Hope you see some progress here and there, but alot of work is still to do.
Especially the Entrance of the Queue needs some attention. Plan is to add a nice glasshouse that holds hanging plants inside and let alot of light inside from all sides.
Than alot of the usal work is to do, this counts for foliage, landscape, rockwork, pathes.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed some of the pics.
Feedback (pos/neg) is appreciated!

So long, Cobra
Keep it everytime fair and with enough respect for each other!
Are you and Cheleste related Cobra? Your posts are very similar, and that's how it seems.

Oh, and look good by the way Wink
I need a new signature.
(Apr 8, 2015, 04:41 PM)chimalion70005 Wrote: Are you and Cheleste related Cobra? Your posts are very similar, and that's how it seems.

Oh, and look good by the way Wink
If you mean family related, than no. But we know each other from other games and in real life aswell.
We visited amusement parks together and sometimes have barbecue.
And infact Cheleste and I live in the same country (Bavaria, Germany), a connection is there.

If it comes to opinions and personal taste i would say that we are totally different. Best example is the fact that i see the game more semi-realism, where Cheleste see it more full-realism.

Another thing is that her husband and i know us from the "Bundeswehr" (German Army), also i know her children.
So yes, there is some kind of relation there between her and me, a good friendship.
But this doesn't mean, that i allways agree what she wrote here, and vice versa.

Thanks for your feedback, and i hope this answers your question Smile

So long, Cobra
Keep it everytime fair and with enough respect for each other!
Cobra, I've never known that you and Cheleste are related to each other. How far is Bavaria from the border of the Netherlands? And I was wondered, may I have both ur skype's? Cuz I really like u guys. Just as friends from a forum
center][Image: L7zldSd.png][/center]
I'm not getting old, but you should know that i judge completly different if it comes to RCT1/RCT2.
If this was RCT3, than be sure, the Feedback would be harder Tongue.

In RCT3 i would say, that the Station lacks on detail and creativity.
For RCT2 and your use of the "8cars" it looks good and interesting enough. But still blocky!

I would say that your big talent is landscaping, foliage and building coasters right into it more/less realistic.
The whole foliage and also the rockwork looks great. Could be interesting how much different trees you will place all over it. That's allways an issue in RCT2.

Landscape looks better, but not natural enough besides the pathway. More paths need different heights.

As for the Woodencoaster for Catwalk your're right. It glitches really bad, so the 4D-coaster works better. With the brown fence the white is coverd up a bit, so it's a good compromise.

Nice idea with the "greenhouse" for the Queue. Should add some variety into the architecture.
Good choice.

My Feedback can hurt like a
[Image: attachment.php?aid=4698]
Shot Info:

I'm currently on a US-Coaster-Tour and not at home on my PC, so updates on "Lygo" has to wait until i'll finish my trip in the USA.

The progress that the project has wasn't that much to show it before i start my trip.
That's the reason for no updates, yet.

So long, Cobra
Keep it everytime fair and with enough respect for each other!

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