If you were to build a theme park on a planet other than Earth, hypothetically speaking, would you assume that planet had a breatheable atmosphere or would you make all the pathways and rides covered so that atmosphere could be pumped in?
Leaving everything exposed would certainly be a lot easier but then how would that park be any different than a park on Earth?
Building everything inside structures, even glass ones, would be difficult, especially for larger rides, but would give the park more of a "spacey" feel.
Does anyone have any thoughts on that?
Keep calm and play Roller Coaster Tycoon.
I would just leave it uncovered... but it's up to you.
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it is easier to keep stuff uncovered, it also looks better. building massive structures to house rides and paths is a difficult thing to make look good
Thanks for the advice Maverick and Moose!
Keep calm and play Roller Coaster Tycoon.
Question is what are you want to go for.
Sci-Fi themed areas or an Amusement Park in outer space.
If you go for a park that stays on the Moon or any other planet, it would be coverd up with a large dome.
Covering up every single path and structure wouldn't make sense.
I would build large domes for every area of the park and connect all domes with big pipes, where the pathways and transport rides will be.
Large glass structures can be build with halfway good looking.
On youtube there are some RCT3 "indoor park" videos that are showing this.
For example:
RCT3 Adventure Dome
Otherwise, if you only want a Sci-Fi themed park, complete covers aren't needed.
So the imagination can be used for that the guests are on a planet far away with an oxygen atmosphere on it
So long, Cobra
Keep it everytime fair and with enough respect for each other!
Thanks for the advice Cobra. That indoor park is just about the coolest thing I've ever seen.
Now, is there such a thing as a "glass dome" scenery set? I've seen a couple of sets of glass walls where everything is squared or angled, and I have Dasmatze's Domes 2012 but they're not glass.
Keep calm and play Roller Coaster Tycoon.
As far as i know there aren't huge objects available like domes and/or spheres that can cover up a big area.
So you work with all the glass CSO sets that includes sloped and angled pieces.
Moby's Glasshouse and Frameworx" is on of these sets you could use.
I think with some playing around and try/error you'll be able to build halfway good looking "Domes" (with edges here and there)
Maybe i would try to build more smaller/medium sized domes with a better shape, than a handful big ones with a blocky, more ugly shape.
Flatrides shoulnd't be a problem to cover up.
The major trick starts with Coasters, especially bigger ones. Building underground could help here to downsize the height.
So long, Cobra
BtW, thanks for these nice links Amy

These Geodome tutorials are really interesting.
Keep it everytime fair and with enough respect for each other!
Thank you Cobra and Amy! I actually have most of the sets you mentioned Amy and have been experimenting with them but you listed a few I haven't tried yet so I'll look at those.
Keep calm and play Roller Coaster Tycoon.