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Hi everyone! I've been a fan of RCT for YEARS, but I have only just recently bought RCT3 Platinum for myself, and finding it pretty interesting. I don't expect to post much, as I'm very very busy, but I will probably be on looking through a lot of stuff to see what I can do to improve the game for myself. I never knew there as a club just for this game, but it makes sense to have it here!

By the way, would anyone care to point me in the direction of the best places to get the custom coaster scenery as well as any other scenery themes I could get?
(Jun 3, 2015, 01:15 AM)Steel Viper Wrote: Hi everyone! I've been a fan of RCT for YEARS, but I have only just recently bought RCT3 Platinum for myself, and finding it pretty interesting. I don't expect to post much, as I'm very very busy, but I will probably be on looking through a lot of stuff to see what I can do to improve the game for myself. I never knew there as a club just for this game, but it makes sense to have it here!

By the way, would anyone care to point me in the direction of the best places to get the custom coaster scenery as well as any other scenery themes I could get?

Hi and welcome! There are so many good places to get Custom Scenery, I will list a few sites for you:
(You'll need a program like 7-Zip http://www.7-zip.org/ to extract .rar files which a lot of these authors use instead of zip files)
The Custom Scenery Depot
The Complete List of Custom Content
RCT-org (in Deutsch, but you can translate to English)
A Hint of Spice
Ralfvieh's cso
Thanks aecrouch7413!
Are there any updates or mods I can download for more control over the coaster elements? Looking around a lot before buying, I was under the impression that I would have more control over the elements, such as finally being able to do a zero-g roll at an angle on the twisted looping coaster or whatever it's called, but I'm not seeing it.
(Jun 3, 2015, 01:33 AM)Steel Viper Wrote: Thanks aecrouch7413!
Are there any updates or mods I can download for more control over the coaster elements? Looking around a lot before buying, I was under the impression that I would have more control over the elements, such as finally being able to do a zero-g roll at an angle on the twisted looping coaster or whatever it's called, but I'm not seeing it.

I think you will be able to do a zero-g roll if you download a custom track and install it.
For example a B& M coaster....
Parallax - B&M Sit Down (BETA)
If you don't know how to install this I made a tutorial series on certain things in RCT3
How to install a custom track:

If you are more interested in making Roller Coasters I would recommend NoLimits 2. I just purchased the game and it takes a long time to learn but you can do so much more with it and the results are wonderful! Here is an example of what I did after watching a few tutorials:

There are demo versions of NoLimits 2 to try: http://www.nolimitscoaster.com/download.php
It took me a long time to decide to purchase NoLimits 2, but making Roller Coasters and having more control over what you want to do is easier in this program. However, it is a Simulator Game and not at all like RCT3 Platinum Soaked and Wild. So it depends on what you want.

I would ask a few people on the site and watch YouTube videos and user demos, etc. Silvarret is one I would recommend to ask and Blu.
Blu's contact page on RCTgo: http://forums.rctgo.com/user-11453.html
Silvarret: http://forums.rctgo.com/user-19878.html
Welcome! Smile
[Image: HnAiYLa.png]
Hey bro! Hope you enjoy your stay Smile
I need a new signature.
Thanks aecrouch7413, NieSch, and chimalion70005. I am actually quite familiar with No Limits 1, but I didn't know there was a sequel out!
So I have to download other tracks to get smother element transitions and more options like these?
^ yeah id recommend getting ctrs because they remove the station platform and have a little more track variation.

however the second link you posted is a nolimits ct (custom track) and they are generally disliked in most rct communities
So No Limits 2 actually has riders in it??

Oh hold on..is the extended roller coaster the one and only one that gives you all the nicer/more variety of elements in the game? I just noticed this one now.
hey man welcome to the community!
[Image: ZCL35lY.jpg]


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