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I'm new.

I'm a new member here. I love to type in yellow text. My username originates from my favourite tower in the 'Bloons TD' series, called the Tack Shooter.

After going to Thorpe Park recently, I decided to play RCT3. I would mainly focus on coasters, parks, scenarios and pools. I try to keep all my downloads free from CS so everyone can enjoy them. BUT if you REALLY WANT ME to use CS (even though I am REALLY bad at it) just feel free to ask me. Bye!

YouTube: GamingPro941
Hi tackshooters, welcome! Smile
Hi and welcome! I look forward to seeing your work.
Welcome! Smile
[Image: HnAiYLa.png]
Welcome! No offense, but I almost never use tack shooters in btd
[Image: ZCL35lY.jpg]


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