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I can't decide. Build It! Round 214

So, I have two roller coasters that I want to be in the Build It! Competition round 214, but I can't decide which to choose. So that frame goes to you, YOU get to pick. Wink
I would have screen shots of them, but I cannot seem to figure how to add them as an attachment to this thread.

Option 1:
Wooden Roller Coaster
Wicked Woodie: Excitement Rating 8.25, Intensity Rating 9.93, Nausea Rating 5.78.
Extra features: a loop.

Option 2:
Vertical Drop Roller Coaster:
Astonished: Excitement Rating 7.13, Intensity Rating 7.63, Nausea Rating 3.62.

When I upload whichever is chosen for Build It! Round 214, it will include camera taken screen shots.

After that, both will go up for download to see for yourself. (And yes, both has scenery, decent by my standards).

Thanks, BlazingEmpireHD
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Suggest that you enter one next round, don't tell us which one. Save the other for another round of build-it. Just be advised that I have seen the Build-It fill up within an hour or two. Or like Round 213 take about a week before there were 4 entries. Good luck with your entry when you do make it into a Build-It round.
Surprise us! There isn't a limit to how many rounds you can enter so enter them both in consecutive rounds

[EDIT] What I meant is enter them back-to-back
Team CoasterTech

Can you do two entries for one round? Or is it ONE and ONE only entry for each round. (Being, one for round 214, and one for round 215). Or am I just wrong all together? xD
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Only ONE entry per round is allowed per builder.

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