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Recording RCT1 & RCT2 With Fraps

Not too long ago, I got RCT1 & RCT2 from Steam. However, I recently realized that I can't record any of those games with Fraps as the FPS meter doesn't appear in any of those games. I also heard is was because the games are neither DirectX or OpenGL, as Fraps straps onto games with those. Is there a way to have the game run in any of those modes so I can record these games with Fraps? Because I would really like to record those games with Fraps, so I could use some help.
[Image: SrF6Q32.png]
I tried to record RCT2 with Fraps once, but the test was unsuccessful. However, this person may have found a way, be it slightly unorthodox:


For all of my RCT2 recordings, I use the free version of Hypercam 2. The videos come out as pristine as RCT2 itself. Actually, on my machine, this park looks better in the video than it does in the game.

[Image: Vk1WYNV.png]
alright this is my field of expertise
So I struggled with this problem for a full year, and eventually what I did is I went and found this hack that makes RCT2 windowed, and im guessing could do the same to RCT1, just google it its pretty easy to find and safe to use
Then I got hypercam, which is free, and used that to record the windowed part, and worked ok, but was unreliable
So i bought bandicam, and I now use the rectangle on a screen mode to record the windowed version of RCT2 and it works quite well
Also note that you cant use fraps or or the regular bandicam mode even on the windowed version, because when you start recording it just pauses the game until you stop recording
Hope this helps! I know the struggle, tell me if you need any more help Smile
[Image: ZCL35lY.jpg]

(Jan 7, 2016, 03:06 AM)Terry Inferno Wrote: I tried to record RCT2 with Fraps once, but the test was unsuccessful. However, this person may have found a way, be it slightly unorthodox:


Yeah, I tested that before. It also makes me wonder if there's away to make a ddraw file that makes the game act like DirectX or OpenGL to make it recordable by Fraps.
[Image: SrF6Q32.png]

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