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Gannet - Round 221 Winner

[Image: buildit.png]

Round 221 Winner

Congratulations to theisaac's Gannet, the latest winner of RCTgo's Build It Competiton! Gannet beat the other three entries with 10 votes and 30% of the vote.

As the first of its kind, Gannet is a hybrid of a wing and a dive coaster. It has traits of both, containing a 90 degree drop, followed by technical inversions, all in one track.

Top Speed: 78 mph(125 km/h)
Max. G-Force:
+Vertical: 5.14
-Vertical: .97
Lateral: 1
Max. Height: 169.7 ft(51.7 m)
Track Length: 3174.4 ft(967.6 m)
Ride Time: 1:46

POV: https://youtu.be/s0EsR2GmO0M

Votes cast:
Split Image - 8 votes
Scarlet Kingsnake - 8 votes
Green-backed Lizard - 7 votes
Gannet - 10 votes
oh wow what close round, congrats though, its a great coaster
I was literally online when this changed, never seen that happen before
[Image: ZCL35lY.jpg]

HOW did I win I was not expecting that.
Sincerely, No Limits 2 Master
Woah! Gannet won!? I am shocked! Great round guys! I think this the legit closest round we've had! I am legit surprised I got so many votes. Lol CLOSE ROUND! GOOD ROUND!!!!
Resuming regularly scheduled programming!
Holy cow! Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing!?!? Great win though, theissac!
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Well done, theisaac. Keep it up!

Thanks to all the ones who voted on my Scarlet Kingsnake & gave me feedback on the track layout. Based on your feedback I did some little changes to the track considering removing all the three brakes which lead to unnecessary slowdowns. Of course, the block brakes haven't been removed so that the three trains still can ride independent from one another. The improved track layout will be published as soon as the actual download will have been deleted.

____ Scarlet Kingsnake – POV: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Xl3yt3nQ5Bg ____
I should have honestly gone with my gut lol, I'm very pleasantly surprised my favorite of the round won. Great win and coaster theisaac!

@BlazingEmpire - Truth be told the closest round we've witnessed was the tie that both your Caution and my Parthax were involved in lol
Team CoasterTech

Congratulations Isaac!
[Image: Vk1WYNV.png]
I really liked the idea of the ride; needs to be a real ride
http://tobiaslindsay.wix.com/-lemurs-eighteen :my website
I think that gannet was an ok coaster. It is really good compared to other NoLimits 2 coasters I have seen, but some of the transitions were a little bumpy, and I feel that the track wasn't really special, except for the neat dive-wing concept. There was a lot of cool theme objects that could have been added. The track was ok, the concept was great, but I could not find that special something about it. Good terrain editing too.
Congrats, nonetheless. I am hoping to enter in a NoLimits 2 track soon, and I like to see the support people are giving NoLimits 2 recently on this site.

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