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My game doesn't run properly...

Hi all,

I've got a serious problem and I really don't understand why this problem occures on my computer...

The minimum system specifications are not really high... Like Pentium 3 @ 733 MHz, 64 MB graphics card and 128 MB Ram or so. Or was it 256? Anyways, I have 3 GHz and an Ati Radeon 9800 128 MB DDR Graphics card and even 1024 MB of RAM but as soon as people enter my park, the game starts running extremely slow... Even if I reduce the graphics quality to 50% or so, and put the resolution on 800x600 it doesn't make a lot of difference at all... Isn't this very weird? I have Soaked! installed at the moment, really cool exp. by the way :P , but before I had installed the exp. the game already ran slow... I hope you have an idea of what's going on...

Thanks and greets,
Lag is unevitable...do you have the latest drivers....I recommend going to the Atari Community for more help if that doesn't work since I am not that great with computer stuff.
coasterdude89 Wrote:Lag is unevitable...do you have the latest drivers....I recommend going to the Atari Community for more help if that doesn't work since I am not that great with computer stuff.

Okay, thanks... I've got the latest drivers by the way... although, some people say that these drivers don't work very well...
If your video card is old, I would reccommend upgrading. Make sure the card is compatible though. (They reccommend an ATI, though Nvidia is also a preferable choice)
[Image: 7.jpg]
tikitiki Wrote:If your video card is old, I would reccommend upgrading. Make sure the card is compatible though. (They reccommend an ATI, though Nvidia is also a preferable choice)

My videocard is not old at all! In age is not even a year old, and its exists about 2,5 years or so I think. And if you refer to the minimum specifications, you deffinetly can't say that my computer is not compatibel enough Smile ... thanks for your help anyway :wink:
no your video card is fast...the update that came with soaked was supposedly bugged on some CD's...get the update from the net

stars>all programs>atari>RCT3>check for updates

a new patch is coming up(patches fix problems with games) and that might help...its coming out in like august i think...
[Image: sigsoaked5wv.jpg]
i have problms witj my game 2 :? run slow and i have a great computer
that is really odd...oh and make sure your video card drivers are support your video card cause that happened to me and i was really shocked cause ge force 6600GTs arent slow!! so...if that doesnt work then i dont really know....sorry Eekops:
[Image: sigsoaked5wv.jpg]
wait... my graphics are on extreme but how do i lower it down to very high?
If your game is lagging, open up the Windows Task Manager (ctrl+alt+delete) and close any processes under the user name, just don't close EXPLORER or TASKMANAGER.

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