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Vote for your favorite track! Round 237

I'm thinking a lot of folkes who had voted already, won't vote again because they probably don't realize their vote was disqualified. I think that when the round ends, there'll be less than 20 votes all together. We'll just have to wait and see.
Resuming regularly scheduled programming!
A few big names like aecrouch7413 and naveisawesome did know that Predator was disqualified, so they voted again. For the rest of people, I can't really tell because they rarely tell their opinion in public. Maybe the people who don't care a lot about Build It! would not notice that and do what you just said.
Trying to make an inspiring park or coaster.
There's still a hefty sum of regular opinion makers here that haven't realized, or just don't care that this round needs a whole new set of votes. Like I said, there's likely that there won't be that many votes, and it will be split evenly so much that I don't even know who'll win.

Either way, it's still going to end no matter what we express our thoughts toward.
Resuming regularly scheduled programming!
voted for flowing fury in the end, it seems like the most work was put into it
[Image: ZCL35lY.jpg]

Here's the beefdack for round 327 since today is the vast day to lote. 

Flowing Fury - A giga coaster over 5,000 feet, with a top speed of 69 MPH, an average speed of 25 MPH, a ride time between 1:45 and 1:50, intensity in the 6 range, nausea in the 4 range, a title consisting of 2 words--the first beginning with "Fl"--and 11 letters in total, and -2.15g of ejector airtime, is, as everyone knows, the best kind of giga coaster. With an original approach to scenery, it still suffers from a few technical errors. The most noticeable of these is that the triangular prism supports, or the ones shaped like step ladders, don't appear to be supporting anything. These are meant to be used on wooden coasters, so if you're going to use them on a steel coaster, it's important to place either the cube or the flat "cracker" supports--to me they look like delicious saltines--beneath the track, then use the step ladder supports to support them rather than just support the track directly. There are a few minor details worth looking into, such as the floating blocks between the lift hill and the queue and exit paths, and the bulrushes placed directly underneath supports, causing them too to float in midair, but most of the scenery looks like it has been placed in a logical position. Building a coaster over water can be challenging because it's more difficult to expand an environment over water than it is on land, though the shrubs and bulrushes do add, but a track built right at the water level would certainly be thrilling for any rider. The layout, though unorthodox, would be nonetheless enjoyed by anyone who rode it, and ultimately, that's the most important quality a roller coaster can have. That one fellow who looks like a dive coaster thinks it looks like Torrential Tyrant, the blue corkscrew coaster with interlocking loops, but I don't see the resemblance. This entry received the most feedback because it looks as if it had the most effort put into it.

Badlands Express - The mine scenery set is one of the most useful sets in RCT2, and it's one scenery set that no scenario should be without. It contains colorable wooden walls and blocks, a brown wall and roof combo, several realistic themed structures, and lots of small items that can be sprinkled in any western environment. Even though this set has endless building possibilities, most of them mine-related, using nothing but mine scenery and painting it only one color causes the environment to become monotonous, especially when the monochromatic scenery is the same color as the track and the supports. It would definitely improve the quality to use scenery from other sets as well, at least for walls and roofs, such as the pirate set, the jungle set, the Wild West set, or even the mechanical set for the tubes and gears. Going by the ratings, the layout is unusually exciting for a mine train coaster of its size, so guests would enjoy riding this coaster. However, guests who are just looking at it might be puzzled as to why it's built on a gigantic wooden platform 7.5 feet above the ground level. Since it only spends a few seconds beneath the surface, building tunnels specifically for those segments would be ideal. If you want to simulate the track going underground without changing the layout and/or turning it into a terrain coaster, you can use the standard wall set to build a fake mountain. Calamity Mine, the RCT2 version, is a working example of how this can be done.

Manic Miner - This coaster wins the foliage Oscar this round, and even though much of the terrain shape has been left unchanged from its RCT1 scenario, the coaster 49er does interact with its environment better than any other this round. A few squares of terrain have been painted from brown dirt, which is the default for this scenario, and it would have looked even more natural had even more squares been painted a shade of green or possibly rocky grey. Like the other mine-themed entry, this one suffers from a brown overload, but the diverse foliage provides some color variation. In the amount of space provided, this coaster has the potential to be twice its current size, but at its current size, it looks as though it was built on a budget while funds were running low. The unpredictable first drop and the loop around the prefabricated railroad is about all there is to this layout, and with all this terrain space, including so much potential underground tunnel space in the hills, this track truly could have been a manic miner. It's interesting that this steel looping coaster was built three years before the first steel coaster and nineteen years before the first modern inverting coaster, but that doesn't mean the layout should be abruptly short when the allotted space allows otherwise. After all, even though this park is the remains of an old coalmine, as far as terrain goes, this track was built on a goldmine.
[Image: Vk1WYNV.png]
I have a killer of an entry ready for the next round.
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