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Vote for your favorite track! Round 240

[Image: buildit.png]

Round 240 Voting

It's time for another round of voting for RCTgo's Build It! Competition. Four more great entries are up for voting - below are the name and screenshot of each. It's now time for you to vote for your favorite track!

Let's have a great round!

#1: The Vomiting Machine

[Image: 57811e32cec4a.jpg]

#2: Embers Of Envy

[Image: 57813a29d459f.png]

#3: Oasis Frenzy

[Image: 57817535f035c.png]

#4: PC-Sandbox1

[Image: 57843a2fa74dc.jpg]

Voting is now open!

Voting will remain open until Monday, July 18
Oooh! This is a first! RCT2, RCT2, NoLimits, and PLANET COASTER! This should be interesting, (it's Planet Coaster for sure).
Resuming regularly scheduled programming!
(Jul 11, 2016, 10:36 PM)BlazingEmpireHD Wrote: Oooh! This is a first! RCT2, RCT2, NoLimits, and PLANET COASTER! This should be interesting, (it's Planet Coaster for sure).
Yes, the last entry is definitively from Planet Coaster. It's actually the first Planet Coaster upload ever and also the first Planet Coaster entry in Build It!

Also, I bet that this one will be the winner, if we consider the outcome of the last round.
Trying to make an inspiring park or coaster.
i voted for oasis frenzy

i love the detail and the layout and just how it fits in the park in general
"Pick up the pieces. There is a better way. Pull yourself together. Try to make a change. This world's so twisted. You can still make a change. Protect and care for all around. Stop the spread of hate. You feel like the broken one over and over again. You taste blood you're through you're done. Only you can make it end."-Trivium: Broken One
[Image: blaconpr4.jpg]
I actually decided to go with the vomiting machine.
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Oasis Frenzy takes the cake here, I might have gone with The Vomiting Machine if it had a POV.

The Vomiting Machine: Looks like a nice solid entry, however it cannot be fully judged due to the lack of a POV which is a necessity for ALL 3D entries.

Embers of Envy: Interesting name, but I'm not understanding what there is to be envious about (Just kidding - that's a joke my friends). I do like the creativity with the new coaster type you've made, however the way that Giga's are made the inversions would probably kill someone. Giga restraints aren't made to hold people in during inversions since that coaster type doesn't function with them. The track's layout isn't bad, simply not enough to earn a win this time. Scenery is a bit lacking with the majority of everything being supports and foliage.

Oasis Frenzy: Not much to say other than it's a complete coaster - nice job to the creator.

PC Sandbox-1: I'm assuming this is simply a test and is not intended to win, I do like where the station is heading and I enjoy what you've done with the tunnels.
Team CoasterTech

I've been playing Planet Coaster for awhile. This entry is not mine. I think for this entry it's a good one. Filming in Planet Coaster isn't easy without getting some of the menu's in the recording while switching different views. Building scenery in this game can be time consuming as well. PC is still in Alpha 2 so you are limited in some of the things you can do. So thumbs up on this entry. I have to say I like all of the entries. Each brings something different to this round. Nice round guys.  Smile Still thinking about who to vote for.
If you are making a movie in Planet Coaster, perhaps a little video editing just before the menu comes up when switching cameras so people can't see it. I can show you the next time how to do it if you want. (There are ways to change the names for Planet Coaster stuff as well)

Good luck everyone. Smile
You're not limited at all look up silvarrets boneshaker, grizzly valley and alfhiem
"Pick up the pieces. There is a better way. Pull yourself together. Try to make a change. This world's so twisted. You can still make a change. Protect and care for all around. Stop the spread of hate. You feel like the broken one over and over again. You taste blood you're through you're done. Only you can make it end."-Trivium: Broken One
[Image: blaconpr4.jpg]
(Jul 12, 2016, 11:40 AM)brandonmarks94 Wrote: You're not limited at all look up silvarrets boneshaker, grizzly valley and alfhiem

I stand corrected, there is a lot you can do. It just takes practice. I've seen a lot of Silvarrets work and others on YouTube. Thanks for the reminder.  Smile 
vote goes to PC-Sandbox1
Good luck to everyone in this competition, whoever wins, congrats, and if it is me, thanks for the votes! (It won't be me). :P

I am going to be away for a full week, and won't be here to see the results. GOOD LUCK!
Resuming regularly scheduled programming!

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