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Vote for your favorite track! Round 241

[Image: buildit.png]

Round 241 Voting

It's time for another round of voting for RCTgo's Build It! Competition. Four more great entries are up for voting - below are the name and screenshot of each. It's now time for you to vote for your favorite track!

Let's have a great round!

#1: Frankenstein: The Ride

[Image: 578dfdc7ea7a1.jpg]

#2: Grizzly

[Image: 578e6c35471ba.png]

#3: Pink or Alive

[Image: 5790ece2958fa.jpg]

#4: Typhoon

[Image: 57938a881bf10.png]

Voting is now open!

Voting will remain open until Saturday, July 30
Vote goes to #1: Frankenstein: The Ride Smile
Hey guys, I'm back! I think I'll be voting for Frankenstein.
Add me on any of these sites!

XGN | Maverick360
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(Jul 23, 2016, 02:51 PM)Maverick360 Wrote: Hey guys, I'm back! I think I'll be voting for Frankenstein.

Weelcome back Maverick360.

Good luck everyone  Smile
It's been a long time since I've done some CC, so, since I am not in this round, I can do so.

Frankenstein: The Ride:

Terry freaking Inferno. You make my life in every way, better, and worse at the same time. Your coaster is the epitomy of goodness and I would EASILY pick you..... but..... then there's Typhoon, an equally great coaster. I am excited for the release of Brookwood by the way. Anyways, the paint scheme, supports, and layout are immensely perfect. I don't have a complaint, other than the station. I feel it does not fit the nature of the name, or the ride. I would also add, it would be a great idea to have the trains be black, or green, or purple, in the name of Frankenstein. Terry Inferno..... I am torn between you and Typhoon.


I think we all very well know why this is not the winner. But, hear me out. This could very well be the first entry of a hopeful contendee, along with the next coaster. This person has a great start, the station is neat and simple, there's *some* trees, and then a couple other features.
The layout is quite neat, and would be a decent coaster in real life. However, there are many complications with this entry. Although it ^does have scenery, it just simply hasn't enough of it. Custom scenery, or CS can be used to make a coaster such as this, better. There is no terra-forming... period. To add to that, there is just grass behind all the trees. Many of you know, when a RCT3 is entered, to win, it has to be mildly good, decent supports, a good station, and other features. it ALWAYS needs a POV video showing the coaster of all it's worth. Even though this is not a winner, it's a winner of a first try. Keep practicing, and you will shine, much like I did.

*Pink or Alive*

Like above, this coaster is not a winner, or even near complete. This coaster has no scenery, NONE. The layout is a mess, the name is... well.. yeah. But, the concept is pretty good, and the colour scheme is great. Like I said before, it needs A TON more scenery, supports, terra-forming, a POV video, and much more to be a considered "good enough to be" a winner. I shall assume this entry is also a first try. It's lacking heavily, but, I think you will be able to create something good. Keep trying, my friend!


*Big Loooong sigh* You and Terry have made this difficult, enough to the point where I have no idea who to go for. The station on Typhoon is beautiful, but has some flaws. From what I see, there's no terra-forming directly impacting the ride. There isn't much landscaping, or many support systems. However, this coaster shines because it looks terrifying, fast, and fun. Although, it does have design flaws too. I am pretty sure that launched uphill pad to the strait down turn would likely hurt someone, or kill one. It comes down to scenery for me. This coaster's scenery is great, and F: TR, it has SOME scenery, but hypercoasters' are notorious for being a station, supports, landscaping, layout and nothing else. Both coasters are very good, and it leaves me at a predicament: Which do I choose?

A fast and ferocious twister coaster, or a long and air'time filled hypercoaster?
I cannot decide at the moment, and I will likely not vote until further studying has occurred.

If I have offended you, the creators, do let me know in a PM as I truly did not mean to. I do CC *Constructive Critiquing* to help you and your creations get better and hopefully, get you a win someday.

CC has helped me get my coasters from suck to stardom.

If you would like to quote me, go ahead, I am not afraid of some critiquing! Biggrin

Alright, my long post is over! Let's have a great round, and good luck!
Resuming regularly scheduled programming!
Dude, that is a HUGE post!
Add me on any of these sites!

XGN | Maverick360
Discord: Maverick360 #6799
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Youtube: Maverick360
Honestly.... I'm not entirely sure if any of these truly deserve the win... By the way Blaze you broke the anonymity wall again m8.

Anyways, CC time:

Frankenfurter: The Ride - Looks like the average hyper coaster honestly, although it keeps consistent with Brookwood products as it maintains the same level of terraforming, painting, and a modest level of scenery. I rather like the station and feel it fits well, the yellow trains also compliment the green/black track well in my opinion. This could take the round despite its lack of scenery simply because there is almost no competition in this round.

Grizzly - Looks like a newbie is trying out Build-It! I like that. What I don't like is how it's advertised as a terrain woodie yet there is absolutely no terraforming that I can see anyway. I like the logo, but that's honestly about it from what I can see. All 3D entries should be required to have a POV video by this point otherwise we can't really see what is on display here.

Pink or Alive: I'd say good first try, but this honestly looks like something made more for a scenario in game than something for Build-It! This coaster displays many of the same issues as above, however the layout also looks like it'd be very jerky and too fast. I say that because 90% of rides I see don't have great pacing, and launched coasters tend to be even worse.

Typhoon: It's interesting, I'll give you that, but the only thing it really has going for it is the indoor section of the ride. And yes while you could make the argument that it does encompass about half of the ride, it's just one piece of scenery and a continuation of the station at that. I'd like to see a bit more in the future, but the way the round pans out it could potentially win at this point.

Just a couple closing notes:
- To the creators of Grizzly and Pink or Alive: keep trying because you've got a nice start here, you just need to finish the product before releasing it and it'll be something great.
- I will probably not be voting in this round, too busy with life and just generally indifferent to this round.
Team CoasterTech

these criticism posts are bigger than the wall that trump will build

voted frakenstein
@Chris, I'm pretty sure anyone who has seen his uploads, knows it was Terry well before I said anything. Lol It'll likely be Terry anyways.
Resuming regularly scheduled programming!
@Drew - Trump is going to have to find another way to keep illegals out because A. He doesn't have the power to build a wall and B. Only Congress can finance it and all they do is sit on their a**es all day doing nothing but wasting taxpayer dollars.
Team CoasterTech


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