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Green Lantern - Round 248 Winner

[Image: buildit.png]

Round 248 Winner

Congratulations to Pepper15_Cute's Green Lantern, the latest winner of RCTgo's Build It Competiton! Green Lantern beat the other three entries with 15 votes and 42% of the vote.

In 2013 Catalian Amusement Park began looking for its next major attraction. Going back to their favorite company B&M, CAP's CEO went with a B&M Wing coaster with a twist. A Wing-Dive coaster. Construction began soon and the ride was themed to green lantern. The 150ft lift height and the 157ft drop are sure to float your stomach.

The Ride-

Make a 90 degree turn left out of the station, ascend the 157ft drop, hold over the edge looking at your doom for a breath taking five seconds, plunge down the 157ft drop through a half dive loop, through a wacky corkscrew, Immelmann, Immelmann, 90 degree ejector, 2 more immelmann, Zero- G roll, and barrel rolls. Hit the brake run and hop back in line.

Sorry, no POV. Hope to get a Youtube Channel soon

Votes cast:
Mountain Climber - 4 votes
Demon - 7 votes
Vildeberg - 10 votes
Green Lantern - 15 votes
It's sad to see we have an ongoing problem of mediocre coasters taking the spotlight from complete ones, nevertheless congrats Peppercute.
Team CoasterTech

Thanks ChrisMDB!!! I am out of Coasters to enter, but I do have something that I am working on. It won't be done for about a month and I am pretty excited for it. One of the reasons my coasters aren't that complete is because I want to design Rollercoasters for a living. The park all of these coaster came from is like Cedar point. you go for the coasters, not the food or scenery. If you want that go to Dollywood. Anyways I will be out of build it competition for at least a month. Thanks again ChrisMDB!!! I still think Vildeberg should have won. Happy RCTing!!!
4 Build it Wins!!! Thanks to everyone who voted for me!!!
Current Project: Learn how to use Parkitect
Well, that was unexpected, my coaster beat Blaze's, and somehow you won?
No offense man, congrats and all, but it's just like Chris said, it is disappointing to see mediocre entries regularly beat out much more completed and detailed ones
[Image: ZCL35lY.jpg]

I would agree. It was incomplete but it was alot worse at one point in time. Just be happy I didn't enter it that way.
4 Build it Wins!!! Thanks to everyone who voted for me!!!
Current Project: Learn how to use Parkitect
RCT3 is clearly making a comeback. Congratulations!

Those of us who put hours of effort into our creations don't mind losing, but we always appreciate it when people who do like them hit the like button. *subtle hint*
[Image: Vk1WYNV.png]
I always forget there is a like button. No one likes my year of work so I forget its there
4 Build it Wins!!! Thanks to everyone who voted for me!!!
Current Project: Learn how to use Parkitect
I can't believe it! That's your fourth entry in the Build It! competition and you are at your third win! I only won 2 rounds of the 5 I participated, so I'm just very impressed. Congrats Pepper!

Also, next time try to make something completely different that would get the attention of everyone. If you do that, I would be very happy for you. I see potential in you.

(Oct 15, 2016, 07:58 PM)Terry Inferno Wrote: RCT3 is clearly making a comeback.

Yep, RCT3 becomes more and more popular. In fact, I started my first RCT3 project and I gonna make a Youtube serie of it. I'll upload videos about it as much as I can, when I have time.
Trying to make an inspiring park or coaster.
i thought there was a rule that was you couldnt enter incomplete coasters? meh...... gg
There is a rule, but I guess his coasters had enough scenery to get by I guess. I feel like the rules should be more strictly enforced.

Nothing against you Pepper, but having 3 in a row wins, when Terry Inferno rightly should of won is not right.
Your entries, as Chris has said, are mediocre, they're good, just not worth winning 3 in a row when completed coasters such as Arroyo and Vildeburg are in the same round. EVERYONE voted for Vildeburg this round, and I am stumped on how you still won.
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