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I just got NoLimits 2. Can someone help me build a coaster?

I recently got Nolimits 2. As a newbee to the game, I need some tips on how to build roller coasters with it. Can someone help me?  Confused

there are tutorials on youtube but NL2 isnt that big here
If you'd like generic tips for building coasters (not specific to how NL2's GUI works) I can help, feel free to PM me. If you're looking for tips specific to how NL2 works I'd either look on YouTube or try PM'ing the more NoLimits geared members of the community. ian44accordx, and theisaac are two of the better NL2 players on the site, although neither have been active for at least a month.
Team CoasterTech

ctg614 and jozibrozi are active NL2 players who enter Build It! fairly often.

(names are clickable)
[Image: Vk1WYNV.png]
^ Thanks Terry, knew there were some active members but couldn't remember their names.
Team CoasterTech

TheCodemaster (youtuber) has a great set of tutorials on youtube. Here is part 1
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cICkQXpwA0U
There are eight parts and I recommend you watch them all. These tutorials are how I learned to play.
Nl2 is a great game. Have fun and good luck. Feel free to PM me. It takes a lot of practice, so try not to get frustrated, and persevere. Smile
thank you!

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