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Phoenix - Round 258 Winner

[Image: buildit.png]

Round 258 Winner

Congratulations to brandonmarks94's Phoenix, the latest winner of RCTgo's Build It Competiton! Phoenix beat the other three entries with 11 votes and 50% of the vote.


this was a coaster i made awhile ago in the tycoons paradise server (formerly known as whiskey station) on OpenRCT2, and i just remembered this, its loosely based off of phoenix at knoebels in PA and even though the foliage was never completely finished i still think its worthy of being entered

Votes cast:
Backyard Hyper - 1 vote
Phoenix - 11 votes
Mine Train - 4 votes
Illinois Cyclone - 6 votes
Contratulations, Brandon! Another good entry by you that won the competition!

Also, I don't know why Illinois Cyclone has more votes than Mine Train. Illinois Cyclone has nothing interesting; in the opposite Mine Train has some good details, not perfectly executed, but still worth a shot. I know you Chimalion wanted to enter an old track, but I think entering it like it is is not the best decision, and I know you can do better.

I have other things to say about this round, but instead of offending some people by badly formulating my ideas, I prefer to shut up. I hope the next round will be better.
Trying to make an inspiring park or coaster.
Congrats on the win BrandonMarks.
Team CoasterTech

Congratulations, Brandon!
Resuming regularly scheduled programming!
A fantastic wooden coaster well-deserving of its victory. Well done!

Even by layout alone, this one clearly stood above the rest.
[Image: 7sFmb4x.jpg]
¡Viva Mexico!

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