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Vote for your favorite track! Round 266

[Image: buildit.png]

Round 266 Voting

It's time for another round of voting for RCTgo's Build It! Competition. Four more great entries are up for voting - below are the name and screenshot of each. It's now time for you to vote for your favorite track!

Let's have a great round!

#1: Backyard Coaster

[Image: 5938a6efe23a1.png]

#2: Knights Of The Air 2

[Image: 5938ba68ca245.jpg]

#3: Tyrannosaurus Tex

[Image: 5938da7a4debd.jpg]

#4: Legend of the Lake

[Image: 5938fa067f739.jpg]

Voting is now open!

Voting will remain open until Thursday, June 15
This round is virtually the same layout as the last, three lackluster entries followed by a complete and very well done one.

CC Time:

1. Backyard Coaster

I'm not sure why this was allowed entry into the competition... No scenery (trees are not scenery, they're foliage), no ground scubs/shrubs/bushes, the track isn't painted, there isn't even a house to make this look like it was done in a backyard. Judging from the description this is a semi-recreation of a coaster that someone actually built in their backyard (or a creative story, whichever works), but if it is a recreation you should have taken the time and effort to make it look like it IS a recreation. I'm not saying 3D model your home in RCT3, I'm saying you could have added a house, some nice landscaping, maybe a path to the "station" of the ride. This is a solid base, but you could have taken it soo much further to make it complete and make it a winner. (I do appreciate the attempt at terraforming and painting however)

2. Knights of the Air 2

I'm not sure how many death coasters you have for us... but please try to enter coasters that don't kill people... three in a row form you now... I'll admit this one is of much higher quality than the past two (actually having custom supports, having triggered events and better scenery), but it's still a death coaster for all intents and purposes... I understand it's supposed to simulate an air battle, thus having the coaster cars move fast, but there's a way to do that without giving people grade-A whiplash on turns.

3. Tyrannosaurus Tex

Looked good at first... still looks alright... but you just have a fancy station and a bunch of cacti. I think it was Naveisawesome that has the quote as his signature, but it states: Just a station and some trees isn't enough win you a round of Build-It! (or something to that effect), and it's 100% true. This does have other supporting scenery, but there isn't a lot of it and I just feel like you could have done more with the theme you chose. Also I'm not really sure about that layout... there's something about it that's just... off...

4. Legend of the Lake

Was the description a haiku? or just normal poetry? I don't know. At any rate this is the clear winner of this round (when looking at these from a completed standpoint). Great supportwork? Check. Great rockwork? Check. Great GCI layout? Check. Good overall scenery? Check. Proper landscaping? (Foliating + terraforming & painting) Check. Looks like we have a complete entry here folks, also that is some snazzy ORCT2 CS you have there.

[EDIT] - Sorry for the typo in Tyrannosaurus Tex.
Team CoasterTech

@Chris its not my signature, I just said it. It's Maverick's signature
I do agree with what you said however, I'll probably eventually provide my own CC, pretty good round though, LOTL is for sure winner
[Image: ZCL35lY.jpg]

My vote goes to Legend of the Lake. A very interesting description and a well themed coaster. Very good Job.
4 Build it Wins!!! Thanks to everyone who voted for me!!!
Current Project: Learn how to use Parkitect
Legend of the Lake will truly become a legend after this round. Very well done.
User Thread: https://forums.rctgo.com/thread-23653-po...#pid133975
KOTA2 average speed 27.48mph max speed 34.53mph
Not a real good round. Quite a few mediocre entries, so...CC time! 

Backyard Coaster:
Where to start with this.....there's very little in the way of anything here. There's no theming (minus the foliage), there's absolutely no layout worth even looking at, and there is simply nothing to show for such a simple creation. Plus, the screenshots that do show work do not give anything better for the coaster because there's no good angle shown in the two screens. You may be new, and this may be a backyard coaster, but so much more work could have been put into this. The one good thing I can say is that it's a bit creative, and I've not seen something like this before.


Knights of the Air 2:
Like the last two entries, this has stellar, albeit questionable choices for theming....but the layout is a death coaster. To put it simply, all the work has seemingly been put in the sticker brand to the name, and theming around that, and nothing else. I would rate this much higher if actual work went into the layout and the landscaping amidst the coaster. Like I've said, the scenery is great....but other than that, this is just your average roller coaster tycoon 3 entry. I suggest that you, when you actually enter a coaster that is not three years old, take into context a layout, look at real life examples, terraform behind that, and then landscape to a proper beauty. If you can do that, your entries would easily become much better.


Tyrannosaurus Tex: 
Before I begin critiquing, I have to say, this is a clever name. Anywho, from first glance, this looks rather plain and dull, and then when I get to a closer look, I realize that my first notion was correct. This entry is rather plain and dull. Now, i get that this is a desert, but there are unending uneveness in the hills (even sand dune areas flatten out at some point), there are way too many cacti, and really not much else. I can understand that you're new to this whole business, and work will have to come from it to become a better entry each and every next step. Your station is rather dull (minus the missing pieces), try to add layers to it, as well as add details to it. If you were going for a simplistic station style, you've nearly nailed that aspect, but it still could use a layer of detail. Either way, this is a decent entry, and you are well on your way to improvement!


Legend of the Lake:
Much like last round, there's finally a complete entry. There is very very little I can say or critique on this. Everything is just so flawlessly executed. This one of the first entries to utilize the CSO realm of RCT2 and OpenRCT2, and you've nailed it. From other sites I've seen teasers of this on, I can agree with others that there may be a tad too many rocks, but this low begone a critique. This was expected to be great, and you've hit the mark 100%. My only other nitpick may be that some of the layout looks rather....slanted. I mean that some areas I feel are too slanted for too long. It may help to reduce the amount of banking on some bits and it may or may not improve there upon. Anyways, this is far better than the other three entries, and this is definitely going to raise the bar far beyond some had prior imagined. Very well done to the builder!


Vote: Legend of the Lake

As always, good luck to everyone involved!
Resuming regularly scheduled programming!

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