Aug 10, 2017, 09:09 PM
Whats up guys and gals, i saved my copy of rct2 from the trash during a visit to my folks house a few months ago, and since then the nostalgia has been mounting. i started building about a month ago, but looking online many of the sites that i used to get my custom rides, scenery, and parks from have long died out, save for a few. ive started fresh on my laptop and the old desktop i used to play on is long dead and gone. i uploaded my first work last night, hope those who still play rct2 enjoy. the rides showcase me getting the hang of things again. however, since ive been back, ive been searching the web for one park in particular that i downloaded years back. i dont remember where it came from, and recent google searches have turned up nothing. it was called Shangri LaLa Land, an oriental themed megapark with multiple 12+ excitement rating coasters and easily hundreds of hours put into scenery detail. does this ring a bell to anyone? would anyone happen to have this park saved? id love to know if anyone else knows of or remembers what im talking about. thanks!