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I'm here

Hi I'm Louis.

You should all know who I am and if you don't, well, you suck. 

Maybe you guys can rekindle my RCT flame, or maybe my passion for RCT is no longer there anymore, who knows?

Hey Louis.
Welcome to rctgo!!!
What an entrance, there, Louis. What better could I have expected, honestly. lol

Anyways, welcome to the site, Louis! It is good to see yet another familiar face here on RCTgo. If you have questions, go ahead and ask us on the site, or RCTgo's Discord server here: https://discord.gg/xFfFsbG

Enjoy the site!
Resuming regularly scheduled programming!
What a surprise to see you join this site!

Anyway, welcome! And enjoy your experience!
Trying to make an inspiring park or coaster.
Thanks, if anyone actually doesn't know who I am, I am admin at NEdesigns.com

Obviously I know MK, Supra, Ziscor & Blazing, not sure who else, but you guys are cool, that's why I'm here, I think you're good community guys.
Louis? Wrote:Maybe you guys can rekindle my RCT flame

Use argonath - water and fire 16 (ARWW16.DAT)
[Image: Vk1WYNV.png]
I see we've gained a convert from the dark side, welcome to the site. We hope you enjoy your stay, and that you come to find RCTgo isn't dead, it's just a hidden gem of the community.
Team CoasterTech

(Oct 8, 2017, 02:43 PM)Louis! Wrote: Hi I'm Louis.

You should all know who I am and if you don't, well, you suck. 

I guess I suck....But Hi, anyway. Smile

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