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Vote for your favorite track! Round 278

This definitely is a great round. You might see entries from me starting in the new year. I've been working on something cool today and I might enter it for the new year. But let's see

CC time chumps!

Wilde Maus:
This seems to be your typical Wild Mouse Coaster layout wise. But the scenery that surrounds the tiny coaster along with the addition of the wooden catwalks make this a unique wild mouse coaster. I strongly would've suggested a name for the ride that fit the surrounding theming because "Wilde Maus" is just a variation of "Wild Mouse" which is the generic name for these coasters. Everything but the name is spot on for me.

Into The Woods:
I imidiatly thought of the musical by the same name when I saw the name and the theming. I don't understand why the others are saying this isn't the best coaster in the round because it looks amazing to me.

To be honest I expected an RCT3 entry with some custom billboards and stuff that was themed around the hit Disney animated film when I heard the name. It even had me humming "let it go" now that I see it its good for an RCT2 entry but I had much higher hopes for this. I didn't mean to vote for it knowing that it wasn't what I was expecting. But I accidentally pushed the vote button on it. Its a great entry for RCT2 dispite the lack of actual scenery. I just had higher hopes. The next time someone enters a coaster of this name do yourself a favor. Build it in RCT3 with billboards and scenery that reflect the film and it would be a win for me.

This seems to be a great RCT3 entry. Better than Quickdraw. The scenery is great and the name is great. Plus with that PEP Woden CT its also realistic looking. All I can say is "Wow!!" I meant to vote for this one.

Great round everyone and happy new year!
Good to be back guys, good to be back! Biggrin Long time no see indeed!

Expect new rides at short notice!
Oh how cool! MrNozem is back perhaps for good! I was never around when you were active, but I certainly recognize your name. So, welcome back, mate! It'll be a pleasure to get to know you, and have this site graced with your wonderful work!
Resuming regularly scheduled programming!
Hello all! Hope everyone had a great Christmas/Holiday! What a great round btw! So here's my CC this time:

Wilde Maus -

The scenery and overall look is awesome, fun to look at in general. The color scheme really draws you in.

Into the Woods -

I like the track layout, it looks thrilling. There's a lack of theming and felt like the landscaping was hiding the terrain, but overall not bad at all.

Frozen -

Great theming! Really pretty! Wow! Love the station and the track looks like it would be a fun ride!

Trapper -

I was stuck on which to vote for and finally got down to Frozen and Trapper. The POV really helped me decide. Trapper may not be the entry with the best theming, but wow what a fun ride! I watched it twice! Really fun track layout, believable, I'd love to ride this in real life! Trapper wins my vote!

Great round everyone, best of luck to all the entries!
These are the four most evenly matched coasters I've ever seen in a round. Nothing mind-blowing, but definitely a stark contrast to Round 277 in terms of quality. It's such a well-matched round, it has awoken the Nozem from its long slumber. We are glad to hear that the great Nozem shall remain awake and in our presence.

None of the entrants really did anything inherently wrong in terms of composition, but they still get walls of text.

Wilde Maus
Here's a coaster type that rarely surfaces in Build It despite being one of the more popular choices for scenario play. Since it seldom shows up in competitive circles, few players take the time to even add rudimentary elements like catwalks and supports, so even that is refreshing to see on a wild mouse. Other than the strange section after the 20-foot drop that has already been mentioned, there's nothing wrong with the layout. The downside to this coaster type is that, even if the layout is flawless, it isn't likely to blow anyone away since their real-life counterparts all look relatively the same, so the unusual color scheme, along with aforementioned catwalks and supports, was a bold choice that will work in the builder's favor. Some of the buildings are a bit odd, particularly the ones with large, empty balconies. Lots of brown in the architecture, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but the purple, blue, and fuchsia trims seem forced; it can look more natural when more colors are used at once rather than one random color per building.

Into The Woods
This is actually the most peculiar entry I've seen in many rounds, as it doesn't even properly reflect its own quality. It's nice and smooth for a coaster of its size, but the presentation makes it seem much less interesting than it is. The POV is that of a long and repetitive giga coaster surrounded by a bunch of trees and rocks, and that's all anyone would see if they closed the video when the train entered the end brake run. There are some nice mountains, but they're nowhere near the coaster. It's within the last five seconds that you see a quaint little town appear out of nowhere, and this colorful array of buildings would no doubt come as a surprise to the viewer, as there aren't really any photos of it other than a couple close-up shots of path that hint at the potential presence of buildings. 16 seconds into the video, you can see some of the buildings, but not only is that part of the POV in black and white and therefore doesn't capture the various colors, but the link sends us straight to the bottom of the third drop at 2:19. I rewound the video to watch it from the beginning, and when the train went over the top of the lift hill, the next thing I know, it was almost at the bottom of the drop; the first half was blurred out for whatever reason. I haven't the slightest idea as to why the 40-second lift hill remained in the video, yet the first part of the 400-foot drop--the coaster's most exciting element--was cut out. This design as a whole is clearly better than people are giving it credit for, and they aren't giving it much credit because you managed to leave out everything that makes this coaster special; you've trimmed the highlights to the point where we think it's just another towering brown and green coaster surrounded by trees.

A classic, unpredictable GCI layout, this one would be very exciting from a rider's standpoint, especially that sneaky steep drop near the middle. You have to look closely to appreciate this one, as it relies strongly on smaller details, like the ice on the water, the ineractive rock placement, the little rocks scattered about the map, and the colorful items inside the buildings. Architecturally, it's rather monochromatic. It isn't that the buildings are all brown, but rather that they're all the same color as the coaster. Combined with a theme that relies heavily on icy blue, there are basically two colors that dominate this entire map. Bordeaux red makes a couple nice appearances, and the design as a whole would have popped more had that color and/or a few additional ones showed up more consistently. The fieldstone walls on the ride buildings could have also been put to further use. Still, this is one of the most difficult themes to pull off in RCT2, so the fact that you were able to successfully build a winter-themed coaster and receive so much positive feedback is definitely worth mentioning.

The third coaster this round that's completely surrounded by trees, and the second one that's a GCI. Much of the layout seemed too quick; not in a way that would be uncomfortable to riders, but rather that it seems like it's traveling for much of the same speed throughout the ride. It's so smooth, though, that it hardly matters one way or the other; as long as it keeps riders in the air, it's doing something right. It looks as if there were several buildings around the ride to give it a more realistic setting, and if that's the case, I suggest capturing them more clearly so that people don't end up thinking this is just a generic wooden roller coaster built around a bunch of trees. While much of it may be just that, there's clearly more to be seen in the coaster's vicinity.

This is the best feedback I could supply after being awake for 24 straight hours. 
I'm literally falling asleep at the keyboafrffggcvcbcvbvc
[Image: Vk1WYNV.png]
Lol, I'm realizing again that if MrNozem enters something into Build-It, we're all screwed.
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So be it. I sure hope he does return to Build It! I'd love to see something that clearly took many moons to create entered here. There are those entries which take a really long time to make, but then there are those entries, like MrNozem's entries that are jaw dropping and very well done. I'd like to see a return of those!

Mr.Nozem, if you're watching, ya know what to do! Wink
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When are we going to see the results?
I'm playing rct2. Feel free to message me everytime you need to know something about the game or just want to have a nice little talk. <3
Still watching BlazingEmpire Wink My next rides already have a name: "Scopuli" (indoor B&M Coaster with a rock theme) and "Horakthi" (Egyptian dark ride).
That sounds so cool! I'm excited to see those in the competitions, hopefully!
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