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New to rctgo

Hello everyone

I've known about rctgo for a while, but was never active here. I decided to change that and just uploaded my first two coasters. I've been active in the rct community for about a year now and I specialize in the technical stuff, mainly efficient scenario play and manipulating ride stats. I'm looking forward to contributing to this place.
Hiya from Shewulf!
Do you know if there is any way to download shared content to my iPad?
Hey there, Marcel! It's about time you became active, man! I am happy to see you come around here. If ya have questions, go ahead and ask us, or get together one-on-one on Discord with one of us, and we'll be certain to help ya out!

Welcome, once more, to the site. I do hope you enjoy it here! Stick around!
Resuming regularly scheduled programming!

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