I do when i want to drown out my Brothers Voice....he talks so much s**t.
One who left and came back
lol my brothers on a skool trip yay :P
Member of the month - October - 2006
Yay. Icicles.
My bros just forgotten the beer....so im not happy:evil:gggrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
One who left and came back
beer..........im not allowed that and it tastes bitter :mrgreen: yack (mi opinion)
Member of the month - October - 2006
Yay. Icicles.
At the moment I am listening to Love Your Way by Powderfinger.
music and Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer(in the style of Homer)
A CD I homemade of Kirby music. The video game music. For his video games. Like Green Greens. But that's so I can get Casey Jr. out of my head. The Dumbo song. From the movie. This is getting old.
lol, well im currently listening to an English Band called THE KILLERS....does anybody else here like them.